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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 10)

                “Me make you food?” I laughed. “That’s a good one.”

                “Well then I’ll cook,” she said. “Let’s go make it hot in the kitchen.”

                I let her get up. She walked downstairs. I sat in my chair for a minute. Tonight was going to be interesting.


                When I finally got up and went downstairs, Spencer was bent over looking in the fridge. I stood there for a second before walking up and hanging on the door. “Find anything?” I asked.

                “No,” she said. “You need to go to the store.”

                “I really don’t feel like going,” I said. “Can we just order something or go get something?”

                “You don’t want me to cook for you babe?” she asked. She looked at me with the most adorable pout.

                “Don’t do that to me,” I said. “You know it gets to me.”

                “It’s ok,” she said getting a tear in her eye. “We can order something if you want.”

                “Ok,” I said. “Let’s go to the store.”

                She perked right up and kissed my cheek. We went to the store and got a bunch of groceries. When we got back to the house, Spencer made some sort of pasta that her dad makes. It was amazing. I should have this girl cook for me all the time. After we ate, we went upstairs and laid in bed watching TV.

                “I was just thinking,” she said, “won’t my brother or someone see your new car at school?”

                “Maybe,” I said. “I’m not too worried about it.”

                “I am,” she said sitting up. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

                I sat up and looked her square in the eye. “Nothing is going to happen to me,” I said. “I have plenty of people watching out for me.”

                “I still worry about you,” she said.

                “I know,” I said. “And I think it’s cute.”

                “Ashley!” Kyla screamed. She ran into my room. “Ashley, come quick.”

                “What’s going on?” I asked getting up.

                “Just come on,” she said grabbing my arm. She pulled me out into the hall. I stopped her.

                “What is going on?” I asked more sternly.

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    1. aiden can’t die! i actually like him in this story! and ash shouldn’t go all crazy. i agree w/ wickednwise3 spence wouldn’t like it. great update. pms!

    2. i think i beat wickedwise3 woo yay i loved this update i cant beleive you stoped there and thanks for the shout out i realy love your story woo pms please :)

    3. I really hope Aiden is okay. And Ashley better not kill anyone, I don’t think Spencer would like that. Can’t wait for more. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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