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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 4)

                “Yeah,” she said. “Thank you for saving my life.”

                “No problem,” I said. “By the way, I’m Ashley.”

                “Nice to meet you Ashley,” she smiled. “I’m Spencer.”



                “Spencer,” I smiled. “It’s nice to meet you too. Do you go to King? I think I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

                “Yeah,” she said. “I’ve seen you around.”

                “Oh yeah?” I said.

                “Yeah,” she said smiling.

                “Can I give you a ride home?” I asked. “My car is just a few blocks away.”

                “Sure,” she said. “I’d like that.”

                “Great,” I said. “Just let me talk to my guys real quick then we can go.”

                “Ok,” she smiled.

                “I’ll be right back,” I said. I turned around and walk to the guys. “How is everyone?”

                “We’re all ok,” Aiden said.

                “Good,” I said. “Now we know it was those guys from Society of Shadows right?”

                “Yeah,” Aiden said.

                “Ok,” I said. “Someone needs to call Jason and let him know. I’ve got plans so I can’t do it.”

                “Got a hot date?” Aiden asked laughing.

                “Shut it,” I said punching him in the arm.

                “Ouch,” he said. “I was just kidding, D. Damn.”

                “So who is going to call?” I asked.

                “I will,” Adam said.

                “Ok,” I said. “Text me and let me know what he says.”

                “I will,” Adam said.

                “Good,” I said. “Now I’m gonna go. Make sure you guys stay off the main roads and get into cars as soon as you can. I have a feeling this isn’t over yet.”

                “You too, D,” Aiden said. “Be careful.”

                “I will,” I said. “See you at home.”

                I walked back over to Spencer. She smiled sweetly. “Ready?” she asked.

                “Yep,” I said. “Are you?”

                “Yeah,” she said. We started walking towards my car.

                “So tell me about all about Spencer,” I said.

                “Well,” she said, “I’m 17. I live with my parents and brother, Glen. We moved here from Ohio a couple years ago. I love music, swimming, shopping, watching movies, and hanging out with friends.”

                “Ohio?” I said. “Yikes.”

                “I know,” she laughed. “I love it out here.”

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    1. okay so i just got my computer back and decided to catch up i cant wait for the sequel to face don and this was a great post.spencer is so not gonna listen shes already hooked on ashley well pms please :)

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