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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 5)

                “You can’t see her,” he said. “I forbid it.”

                “Why?” she asked. “You can’t forbid me from seeing anyone.”

                “She is the one responsible for what happened to Madison the other day,” he said. “And her friend did this to me. She is in a gang, Spencer. You can’t be seen with her ever again.”


                “Glen,” Spencer said walking upstairs, “you can’t tell me what to do. If I want to see Ashley I’m going to.”

                “Spencer,” Glen said, “I’ll tell mom and dad.”

                “Oh yeah,” Spencer said turning around and looking at him. “Then I’ll tell them all about your gang involvement.”

                “You’re going to get yourself killed,” Glen said.

                “I’ll take my chances,” Spencer said. She went into her room and shut her door. She took out her phone and texted Ashley.

                Ash…its Spencer. Meet me at the skate park in 10.

                Spencer went to her closet to find some clothes. She heard her phone going off letting her know she had a text message.

                K. See you there.   Ash xo

                Spencer smiled at the message and changed into a jean skirt and long-sleeved black shirt. She walked downstairs. “Bye mom,” she said. “Bye dad. I’m going out. I’ll be home late.”

                “Ok honey,” Paula said. “Have a good time.”

                Spencer walked down to the skate park and sat down on a bench.

                I rushed around the house trying to find some clothes to wear. I settled on a pair of jeans and a red shirt. I told Kyla I was leaving and then ran out to the car. I sped over to the skate park since I was running late. I pulled into the lot and saw Spencer sitting on a bench. I walked over toward her.

                “Miss me already?” I laughed.

                “Oh of course,” Spencer smiled.

                “So what’s up?” I asked sitting down next to her.

                “We need to talk,” she said turning towards me.

                “Oh no,” I said, my smile fading quickly. “This can’t be good.”

                “I need to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me,” she said. “Can you do that?”

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    1. I wonder if Glen realized by putting an hit on Ashley he’s putting Spencer in danger. Also if Ashley get’s a new car won’t Glen or Madison see it at school.Great Update.

    2. I really love this story and I agree about the whole rating thing. if you like writing it then keep reading it. now that I’m caught up on it I will def be reading any new posts on it. and I’m about to head off and read your other stories too. so please pms.

    3. You really shouldn’t worry about your ratings. Not everyone who reads can rate and some peoople just forget to rate. Write for yourself, no one else. If you enjoy writing it then there will be people who enjoy reading it. I myself am one of those people, so please continue this story. Awesome update, but don’t let it be the last. PMASAP!!!

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