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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 6)

                “Goodnight,” I said. I scooted closer and draped my arm around Spencer’s waist. I pulled her close to me. I smiled when I felt her snuggle into me. I kissed her shoulder and whispered, “Sweet dreams my dear.”

                We fell asleep quickly. That night, I had the best night’s sleep I’d ever had.


                I woke up the next morning feeling like I was dreaming. But when I opened my eyes and saw Spencer there, I knew I wasn’t dreaming. I smiled. I lifted my arm from around her waist so I could get up. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.

                “Don’t get up yet,” Spencer mumbled into her pillow.

                “Can I at least go to the bathroom?” I asked.

                “I suppose,” she said. “Hurry back.”

                “I will,” I said smiling. I kissed her shoulder softly before getting out of bed. I went down the hall to the bathroom and walked back to my room. Spencer was still in bed, all curled up. I got back into bed and cuddled up next to her.

                “Took you long enough,” she said.

                “I was gone less than two minutes,” I said.

                “But that was two minutes too long,” she said.

                All I could do was smile. “You do know that we have to get out of bed sometime right,” I said. “I have to do a few things.”

                “I know,” she said. She rolled over and faced me. “But I love laying here like this with you. I’ve never felt so at home and so safe.”

                “Really?” I asked.

                “Yeah,” she smiled.

                “You are too sweet,” I said.

                “I’m just telling the truth,” she said.

                “I feel like I’ve known you for years,” I said, staring deeply into her eyes.

                “I feel the same way,” she smiled.

                I leaned forward and lightly touched my lips to hers. I parted my lips for her tongue to enter. She pulled me in close to her. I rolled onto my back, pulling her on top of me. I slid my hands from her waist to the small of her back, slowly inching higher. Spencer had one hand supporting herself while the other roamed my body. My hands were working their way up her back, pulling her shirt along with them. Spencer’s hand slid under my shirt and started moving up. I rolled over so that I was on top. I pulled away and sat up so I was straddling her.

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    1. Yay! I’m so glad you kept this one round. And who knew I could have inspirational words? Well thank you for this I really like your story. I can’t wait for more. Fantastic update. PMASAP!!!

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