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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 9)

                “You think?” I said.

                “Oh yeah,” she said biting her bottom lip slightly.

                I walked back over and leaned in. “You should see me naked then,” I whispered. I backed away from the bed and walked to the bathroom. Spencer fell back on the bed. I could tell that I got to her a little bit.



                I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I walked back to my room and Spencer was lying in the same spot.

                “Are you still alive over there?” I asked as I walked to my closet.

                “Barely,” Spencer said sitting up.

                “I’m all nice and clean now,” I smiled.

                “Good,” she smiled. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I haven’t had one today and it’s driving me crazy.”

                “It’ll cost ya 5 bucks,” I said.

                She got up and walked over to me. She traced her finger lightly down my arm. “I can pay you in other ways,” she said softly.

                A shiver went down my spine. “Uh g-g-g-go ahead,” I said suddenly becoming a 14 year old boy just starting puberty. I had the stutter, squeak in the voice, everything. Spencer laughed as she headed to the bathroom. I smacked myself on the forehead. “Stupid.”

                I got dressed and waited for Spencer to finish up. I got on my computer for a while when I felt a strong hand on my shoulder. I grabbed two of the fingers and bent them back.

                “God D,” Aiden said. “Let go.”

                “Sorry,” I said. I let go of his fingers. “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

                “I’ll remember that,” he said. “Did you get blood on the punching bag?”

                “Oh yeah,” I said. “I guess I forgot to clean it off.”

                “What did you do to it?” he asked.

                “I wailed on it for like half an hour,” I said.

                “Why?” he asked. “Who pissed you off this time?”

                “Carlin,” I said.

                “What did he do?” he asked.

                “He was talking shit and got up in my face,” I said.

                “I’m gonna kick his ass,” he said.

                “No,” I said. “You can’t.”

                “Why the hell not?” he asked.

                “I promised Spencer nobody would touch him this time,” I said. “If he does it again, be my guest. Just not this time.”

                “Whatever,” he said. He turned around and started to walk out.

                “If you or any of the others lay one hand on him,” I said, “I’ll kick your ass. And you know I can take you so think real hard about it.”

                He just rolled his eyes and left. Spencer walked in right after he left.

                “Eavesdropping again?” I asked.

                “Only a little,” she smiled.

                “Oh well,” I said.

                “You are so sweet,” she said. She stood next to me. “Thank you for protecting my brother.”

                “I can’t do it often,” I said. “If anyone finds out, I could be in trouble.”

                “If he does it again,” she said, “I don’t care if you have someone jump him. Just don’t kill him.”

                “We won’t do that,” I said. “You don’t have to worry.”

                “Good,” she smiled.

                I smiled and pulled her down onto my lap. I held onto her tightly as I kissed her passionately.

                “Get a room,” Aiden shouted as he walked by.

                “We got one thanks,” I shouted back at him.

                Spencer laughed. She tried getting up but I wouldn’t let go.

                “Come on,” she said. “I’m hungry. How about you make me some food?”

                “Me make you food?” I laughed. “That’s a good one.”

                “Well then I’ll cook,” she said. “Let’s go make it hot in the kitchen.”

                I let her get up. She walked downstairs. I sat in my chair for a minute. Tonight was going to be interesting.



    1. glen better stay on his side of the fence, get a grip and just them be!! or I´ll join KOR and personally kick his ass! good thing that pushbag wasnt glen ahah…or poor him, if Ash jumps him he´ll die not for the beating but for the fact his damn ego would shrink to less than a sand grain for being spanked by a GIRL! PMS please.

    2. hahahaha ash acted like a 14 yr old boy. so cute. glen should get his ass kicked. or someone should at least tell him that ash saved his sis from nearly being shot by his ‘boys’. great update!

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