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    Kyla's Sis has got it goin' on – (Chapter: Ch. I Don't Care what You Think, as Long as it's About Me.)

    "What’s it like, being gay?" Erin asked Tegan and Kyla while making their snowman, a first-time experience for the couple. Kyla had asked the young girl to show them how to build one after she noticed one down the street from Spemcer’s grandma’s house.

    "Uh, I don’t know, because I don’t know what it’s like being straight, so I don’t really know how to uh, um…yeah," Tegan trailed off.

    "It’s not different than being straight," Kyla stated, "it doesn’t hurt, we don’t feel pain because of it, it’s just a part of who we are."

    "I figured it didn’t hurt, Luke’s freaking ecstatic all the time," she laughed with Kyla and Tegan.

    "Why do you want to know?" Kyla asked, smoothing out the snowman’s bumby belly.

    "Just, well, because, there’s this girl-"

    "There’s this girl," Kyla and Tegan said in unison. Erin looked at them with an expression of confusion.

    "What?" She asked the couple.

    "That is THE most cliche line ever," Kyla said, "let me guess, there’s a girl that you’re friends with, who’s gay and you think you’re starting to develop a litle crush on her, and you wanna know if you’re gay, too." Kyla finshed with a triumphant look on her face, almost 100 percent sure of herself.

    Erin just looked at the older girl in complete and utter astonishment.

    "Exactly, how did you know?" Erin asked, amazed.

    Kyla leaned towards Erin’s waiting ear.

    "Let’s just say I have a little experience in this category,"She murmured, and looked towards her girlfriend. Tegan looked at her and smiled and gave a little wave. Kyla repeated her actions and looked back at the younger girl, who smiled at her.

    "You guys are so cute together," Erin said giggling a little bit, "so you’ll help me?" She looked to Kyla with her bottom lip out and her head lowered, giving her a puppy dog pout.

    "I know that you got that from Spencer, but yeah I’ll help.

    "Thank you, Kyla!" The younger girl exclaimed, latching her arms around Kyla’s neck in a huge bear hug.



    "Oh my effing God," Spencer said to herself after she witnessed her friend and ex-girlfriend.

    Why the hell didn’t she tell me?

    "Ehm!" Spencer cleared her throat and the two jumped apart in surprise. Carmen and Spencer shared a long, awkward glance before Carmen’s face broke out into a smile. She ran towards Spencer and wrapped her in a huge, bone-crushing hug.

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    1. So pleased to see such a quick update now I’m all caught up on the story. I wonder if Carmen an Ash will get jealous when they actually meet?? Was also going to say Deceptacon but someone beat me to 1st comment!!

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