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    Kyla's Sis has got it goin' on – (Chapter: Green is the Color of my Envy.)

    "Bowling?!" Erin asked increduosly. Our favorite teens had been pushed out of the house by Paula so the adults could clean, wrap presents and prepare everything for Christmas which was slowly arriving. Luke and Spencer, always competitive with each other, had suggested laser tag, but Kyla was afraid of the dark, hot room you’re were placed in, so Ashley, always the braniac, had suggested bowling, so that Luke and Spencer could still compete, and Kyla had nothing to be afraid of. Except when Luke had made a smart-ass joke about Kyla being afraid of big, heavy balls. This comment earned him a hard hit from Scarlett.

    "Yeah, besides," Kyla said, wrapping an arm around the small brunette’s shoulders and leaning into her ear, "you could invite that girl you like and Tegan and I will help you win her over."

    "Really?" Erin asked, already pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. Kyla nodded and the younger girl ran up to her room, probably calling the unexpecting girl. Tegan and Kyla were going to hook these youngsters up if it was the last thing they did.




    The teenagers all piled into the car and Luke drove them to the bowling alley, nearly killing them when he took his eyes off of the road to check out a group of boys on the side of the road.

    "JESUS LUKE!!" Spencer had shouted, momentarily taking the wheel. "Seventeen years old and you can’t pay attention to the road for five minutes," she joked.

     The teens walked into the bowling alley. Erin walking close to her crush, Ryan. Ryan was about five-four, five-five, a little taller than Erin, and as Kyla would say "SHE REEKED OF LESBIAN!" She had medium length choppy black hair and she wore skinny jeans and a Cobra Starship shirt. All in all, she was a cute girl and Kyla could see how Erin was crushing on her.

    "Alright," Kyla whispered to Tegan when they headed to the counter to pay and get shoes, "Mission CGLL is in full swing." Kyla pulled out two pairs of aviator sunglasses, put one on and handed the other pair to her slighty more sane counterpart.

    Tegan’s eyebrows raised in confusion.

    "Okay, first, what is CGLL? Second, where did you get these?" She asked, referring to the sunglasses on her face.

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    1. all I can think of is there will be more than bowling balls being thrown around! great update, kyla is hysterical. can’t wait to see how this all goes down! pms!

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