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    Le Marais – (Chapter: Bliss before the Fall)


    “A-sh!” She groaned. She could feel Ashley pushing, tensing, getting ready to ride it out with her. And then it hit, the blazing orgasm that threw her back on the bed gasping and chanting. Then the slow collapse. Measured moments of calming as the awareness slowly dawned that Ashley was still inside her and staring down. Spencer gasped as Ashley’s tongue snaked out to taste her again, causing a small aftershock.


    Spencer wound her hand through Ashley’s curls and tugged her northward. She sealed off her girlfriends mouth in a throbbing kiss. Ashley’s fingers slowly moved out of her, coming up to support herself over the blonde. Spencer pulled back and smiled lazily. “Fuck you’re good at that.”


    Ashley grinned. “Yeah.”


    “Oh!” Spencer said in mock laughter. “Ego much?”


    “Shh,” Ashley ducked down to kiss her again. Spencer felt the brunette move tantalizingly against her thigh, the wetness of her need evident.


    She expertly flipped her over, without breaking the delicious contact, kissing her way down Ashley’s neck.




    She smiled against the tanned skin under her, taking her time to taste and kiss a path down, all the way down.


    Ashley was wet, but Spencer took her time. She built the tension, the pleasure mounting. Ashley’s hips bucked as she started to come apart in Spencer’s hands. Spencer’s eyes drifted up to watch Ashley grab a pillow, holding it over her face as she muffled her scream of pleasure.


    Spencer slid up to hold her beautiful girlfriend, feeling her warm skin flush against her own. “I love you,” she murmured into soft brown curls as they lay damp against her mouth.


    “I love you too,” she heard Ashley’s whispered sleepy response. “God how I love you.”


    “Mmm,” Spencer smiled, settling into an embrace as the contentment surged again. So very good, as she fell asleep.


    She couldn’t help smiling her way through breakfast the next morning, cheerful as she got Elly ready for school. Ashley wandered out just before Spencer was about to leave, and earned herself a pretty flash good morning kiss for her troubles.


    “Someone’s in a good mood this morning,” the brunette chuckled sleepily, not quite human before her first cup of coffee.


    “And who’s fault is that?” Spencer grinned cheekily? “Mmm” She kissed Ashley on the top of her head. “We’re off, see you tonight.”


    Hugging Alex goodbye she made sure that Elly had all her belongings before bundling them out the door. She smiled all the way to Elly’s school, and as she dropped her off. She smiled on her way to work, singing along to the radio. She smiled as she sat at the traffic light, waiting for the green, not caring about the traffic for once. The overwhelming sense of contentment didn’t leave, and she was still smiling when the traffic took off. There was only a second, a mere second, for her to stop smiling as the bus hit, careening through the red light as though it never existed. And then the world went black.

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    1. Wh…wha…wha…WHAT!?!?!? OMFG, NOOO. *starts to hyperventilate* Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no. This can’t be happening. She got hit by a bus? A bus!? A FUCKING BUS?!?!?!? No, this can’t be. I can’t believe it. OMG, are you good. I sooo didn’t see that happening. I was all in this happy mood, all content just like Spencer and Ashley, then *WHAM*, a bus. I just can’t fucking believe it. You need to update like this instant. You can’t just leave me like this. You can’t just leave us at cliff hangers like that. One of these days I’m going to go into cardiac arrest and who’s going to be here to save me so I might be able to read another chapter. Another cahpter that will prolly just put me into another heart attack. Wow. I’m risking fatal injury for this story. I may just possibly be your most faithful reader. PMS please, else I’ll die. Literally. Maybe. :] LOVE IT.

    2. Omg wow! Yay i’m so glad there’s a sequel, a nice, hot start to an awesome story! But woah at the end, i can’t wait to find out what happens next! Please Update Soon!

    3. you~ cruel you~~!!! *screaming and yelling* if anything happens to spencer i will track you down and hit u with a bus! lol! i am so SOOOOO glad you are writing a sequel… i LOVE best for me! (esp Mr. Ruffles) PMSPMSPMSPMSPMS~~ i will be staring at the monitor waiting for your update from this moment on.

    4. I knew it, I absolutely knew it. As soon as I saw that there was a sequel and I started reading how happy Spashley was, I thought to myself that something bad was about to happen. Sure enough, a bus crashes into Spencer. But please, pretty please do not kill Spencer off. That would be so wrong. I’m glad you’re continuing this story and I have faith that you will eventually make Spashley happy again. Great start!

    5. for fuck’s sake…spencer cannot be dead…or in a coma…i object counselor! that was an amazing chapter, but i’m really worried about what is going to happen. i hate that stupid bus. why did it have to hit spencer? why did all go black…oh man. please please please update soon because i just need to know!

    6. I was so happy when I saw this and it was a great chapter (like everything you post) but please for the love of all that is holy no memory loss I’m begging

    7. Wh…wha…wha…WHAT!?!?!? OMFG, NOOO. *starts to hyperventilate* Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no. This can’t be happening. She got hit by a bus? A bus!? A FUCKING BUS?!?!?!? No, this can’t be. I can’t believe it. OMG, are you good. I sooo didn’t see that happening. I was all in this happy mood, all content just like Spencer and Ashley, then *WHAM*, a bus. I just can’t fucking believe it. You need to update like this instant. You can’t just leave me like this. You can’t just leave us at cliff hangers like that. One of these days I’m going to go into cardiac arrest and who’s going to be here to save me so I might be able to read another chapter. Another cahpter that will prolly just put me into another heart attack. Wow. I’m risking fatal injury for this story. I may just possibly be your most faithful reader. PMS please, else I’ll die. Literally. Maybe. :] LOVE IT.

    8. Omg wow! Yay i’m so glad there’s a sequel, a nice, hot start to an awesome story! But woah at the end, i can’t wait to find out what happens next! Please Update Soon!

    9. you~ cruel you~~!!! *screaming and yelling* if anything happens to spencer i will track you down and hit u with a bus! lol! i am so SOOOOO glad you are writing a sequel… i LOVE best for me! (esp Mr. Ruffles) PMSPMSPMSPMSPMS~~ i will be staring at the monitor waiting for your update from this moment on.

    10. I knew it, I absolutely knew it. As soon as I saw that there was a sequel and I started reading how happy Spashley was, I thought to myself that something bad was about to happen. Sure enough, a bus crashes into Spencer. But please, pretty please do not kill Spencer off. That would be so wrong. I’m glad you’re continuing this story and I have faith that you will eventually make Spashley happy again. Great start!

    11. for fuck’s sake…spencer cannot be dead…or in a coma…i object counselor! that was an amazing chapter, but i’m really worried about what is going to happen. i hate that stupid bus. why did it have to hit spencer? why did all go black…oh man. please please please update soon because i just need to know!

    12. I was so happy when I saw this and it was a great chapter (like everything you post) but please for the love of all that is holy no memory loss I’m begging

    13. NEVER saw that coming in a million years! I agree with pegleg though…no missing leg! Coma I might be able to withstand but a missing leg? Not so much. ;) Me woves you Clo you know I do. And you know what lengths I will go for more story. Keep up the kick ass work.

    14. NEVER saw that coming in a million years! I agree with pegleg though…no missing leg! Coma I might be able to withstand but a missing leg? Not so much. ;) Me woves you Clo you know I do. And you know what lengths I will go for more story. Keep up the kick ass work.

    15. buses always run red lights! if anyone shouldn’t do it, it’s buses… and trucks! this sequel totally surprised me, a happy wonderful surprise…

    16. buses always run red lights! if anyone shouldn’t do it, it’s buses… and trucks! this sequel totally surprised me, a happy wonderful surprise…

    17. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sequel!!!! Great first chapter! PMS and yes, please don’t have her lose limbs :( Just a gaping head wound that is entirely fixable :p

    18. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah sequel!!!! Great first chapter! PMS and yes, please don’t have her lose limbs :( Just a gaping head wound that is entirely fixable :p

    19. Hey, don’t normally comment… well, ever… but have to tell you how thrilled I am that you’re doing a sequel to your original story because god was I addicted to that! Keep up the good work!

    20. Hey, don’t normally comment… well, ever… but have to tell you how thrilled I am that you’re doing a sequel to your original story because god was I addicted to that! Keep up the good work!

    21. omg! I can’t believe what just happened. I don’t know what’s worse; losing someone after an arguement or losing someone after making love to them. I’m so glad that you’re doing a sequel to Best of me. Thank you so fucking much for bringing this story back. I’m so excited about what’s going to happen next. Paula is the first thing that comes to mind because she might try to keep Elly and Alex with her while Spencer is in the hospital. Or maybe she’s excepted Ashley…(thinking this over)…as the mother of Spencer’s kid’s. That would be a blessing and a miracal. I hope Paula doesn’t make me cringe. Gosh, she would be so wrong. Please don’t let Ashley lose another woman she loves and then have to deal with fighting for their kid’s. I feel so bad for Ashley because the idea of losing Spencer is too much. What have the girl’s been doing over the past three years? I’m glad that they feel so comfortable being a family. I’ll bet they have sex regularly:) I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter because I’m wonder who’s head we’ll be “inside” of. Will we finally know what goes through Ashley’s mind? Or will Spencer’s mind run amuck while she’s in the hospital? I don’t even know if she’ll end up in a coma, I’m just anxious to read the next chapter. Please please please don’t kill Spencer and please don’t make me want to hit her mother………with a bus. Oh yeah, what about Gray? I don’t think he’l’ be a jerk but you never know. Will the kid’s want to be with their dad? If they do then they’re little bastards! Note to all: Just kidding:) I love Elly…and Alex, too I guess:) PMS Please!!!!!

    22. omg! I can’t believe what just happened. I don’t know what’s worse; losing someone after an arguement or losing someone after making love to them. I’m so glad that you’re doing a sequel to Best of me. Thank you so fucking much for bringing this story back. I’m so excited about what’s going to happen next. Paula is the first thing that comes to mind because she might try to keep Elly and Alex with her while Spencer is in the hospital. Or maybe she’s excepted Ashley…(thinking this over)…as the mother of Spencer’s kid’s. That would be a blessing and a miracal. I hope Paula doesn’t make me cringe. Gosh, she would be so wrong. Please don’t let Ashley lose another woman she loves and then have to deal with fighting for their kid’s. I feel so bad for Ashley because the idea of losing Spencer is too much. What have the girl’s been doing over the past three years? I’m glad that they feel so comfortable being a family. I’ll bet they have sex regularly:) I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter because I’m wonder who’s head we’ll be “inside” of. Will we finally know what goes through Ashley’s mind? Or will Spencer’s mind run amuck while she’s in the hospital? I don’t even know if she’ll end up in a coma, I’m just anxious to read the next chapter. Please please please don’t kill Spencer and please don’t make me want to hit her mother………with a bus. Oh yeah, what about Gray? I don’t think he’l’ be a jerk but you never know. Will the kid’s want to be with their dad? If they do then they’re little bastards! Note to all: Just kidding:) I love Elly…and Alex, too I guess:) PMS Please!!!!!

    23. note to self: never read clomle’s sex scenes while at work… hahaha AHHH! DAMN IT! DAMN BUS! DAMN YOU! :-( whats gonna happennnn?! ahhh. worried = me!

    24. note to self: never read clomle’s sex scenes while at work… hahaha AHHH! DAMN IT! DAMN BUS! DAMN YOU! :-( whats gonna happennnn?! ahhh. worried = me!

    25. Thank you thank you thank you for making a sequel!!!!!!!!! *sqeal* Ok I’m calm now… Three years laters and our girls are still doing well eh? Damn bus! Yeah with I’m the rest, no missing limbs. But I can’t wait to see where this going..More… Please….SOON…..

    26. Thank you thank you thank you for making a sequel!!!!!!!!! *sqeal* Ok I’m calm now… Three years laters and our girls are still doing well eh? Damn bus! Yeah with I’m the rest, no missing limbs. But I can’t wait to see where this going..More… Please….SOON…..

    27. omg where the frickin bus come from??? you never fail to amaze me. first getting us all comfortable and excited with the NC17 stuff and then bam! out of nowhere. god you’re giving me a heart attack. so pls pls update soon!!! thank god for a sequel! i need something to look forward for. :D

    28. omg where the frickin bus come from??? you never fail to amaze me. first getting us all comfortable and excited with the NC17 stuff and then bam! out of nowhere. god you’re giving me a heart attack. so pls pls update soon!!! thank god for a sequel! i need something to look forward for. :D

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