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    Le Marais – (Chapter: We’re rotten fruit, we’re damaged goods)


    “We can go see her,” Arthur said. It meant the world to Ashley that they had waited.


    It was like one of those scenes you see in space movies, only with the wrong music. The three of them walking down the corridor, only missing the helmets and space suits. The slow motion montage, or so it felt like, Ashley almost laughed; except if she laughed she’d die.


    The doors to the ICU were locked, and while other people had to whisper into a small intercom that turned every conversation into a crackling cacophony, Paula’s card let them straight in. The ICU was busy, everyone looking important and over worked. The three of them walked, like the eye of the storm, a haven of enforced calm in the maelstrom.

    Until they got to Spencer.


    She had her own room, a little glassed in box off to the side. Half the patients were in curtained cubicles, but the other half had their own little medical coffins. Ashley hated the stark white already, because she knew Spencer would have. A lifetime of her mother’s career and Elly’s health issues had given Spencer a healthy dislike of hospitals, Ashley knew it.


    She couldn’t look. The floors, the walls, the insistent beeping monitor, they were all there in front of her eyes but she couldn’t look at Spencer. There was a void there, where the bed was, a gap in her vision. She was afraid if she tried to look her eyes would water and then dissolve. In the end, it was Arthur’s response that got her there.


    A gasp, and then his hand to his mouth.


    Arthur, the strong one, the one who never faltered in a crisis. Ashley’s head shot up from its position gazing firmly at the wheels of the bed.


    She was attached to everything. They’d put Spencer in a hospital gown, and later she’d find out that it was because her bloodied clothes had to be cut off. Cords ran out of her arm, into her arm, off her chest, from her legs. A tube of oxygen ran to her nose. In the mess, the serpentine slither of cords, was Ashley’s girl.

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    1. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    2. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

    3. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    4. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

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