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    Le Marais – (Chapter: We’re rotten fruit, we’re damaged goods)


    Pale, bruised, but alive.


    The monitor said so.


    Her head was bandaged firmly, but there was bruising down one eye and the side of a face. She’d have a great shiner in the morning. One leg was encased in a brace that looked like a cage. One of the tubes was red, deep purple red, with life restoring blood dripping in slowly.


    But she was alive.


    “Spencer,” Ashley whispered.

    Paula had moved towards the bed, kneeling beside it, placing one hand gently on her daughters arm. Ashley moved to the other side, gently perching on the bed side and framing picking up a delicate hand. Careful not to disturb any of the lines going in or out she stroked the back of Spencer’s hand, and felt the tears running down her face. She smiled, a genuine goofy grin, and said to the sleeping girl,


    “Look what you’ve gone and done this time you silly fool.”




    Spencer felt her head gingerly. It was pounding, and sticky. She sniffed her fingers cautiously, wondering if she was bleeding from her head, and then realized it was mud. She was, in fact, sitting in muck.


    Lights shone out from where she was half seated, and she could see them shimmering across what Spencer thought was a lake. Half dazed and very confused, she hauled herself to her feet. In the distance, shadows of a town danced in the cool night air.


    Unbidden, a word sprang to her heads, the stirring of memory. Annecy.


    That was Annecy… her… her home? Things were rushing back now in a jumble. Yes, that was her home, where she lived. She needed to get back there. So, it begged the question, what the hell was she doing in the middle of a lake, no, scratch that, in the middle of a swamp on the edge of a lake.


    Oh boy, this was going to take some answering.


    Not to mention how the hell she was going to get home, and, ew, how she was going to get the mud out of her hair.


    She stepped very carefully, squelching through mud and puddles to reach the edge of the swamp. The breeze was shaking the thicket of trees that huddled close to the side of the marsh. It was sweeping straight of the Alps, frozen and cold like the tip of Mont Blanc. The hovering sharp and flat edges of the distant mountains yielded no quarter, even in Summer.

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    1. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    2. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

    3. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    4. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

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