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    Le Marais – (Chapter: We’re rotten fruit, we’re damaged goods)


    Summer, yes, it was nearly summer. Late spring, it was May. Ok, so she knew where she was, and roughly when it was and… she knew, sort of, who she was. Now to figure out the rest before someone discovered the mud creature from the lagoon and shot her.


    There was a rough dirt road ringing the lake and the marsh next to it. Gnats and mosquitoes harassed her while she found a tree and managed to get most of the muck of her with some broad leaves.


    It was the briefest rustling on the road further ahead, hidden in the shadow of the trees, that made her aware she was not alone. It was probably more a sixth sense given that chances were it was a wild boar or a rabbit. Probably a rabbit, here in the mountains they played gleefully. Especially in late spring.


    “Who’s there,” she called out. Now that was a dumb thing to do. At times such as these, there was nothing to be gained from such incautious action. She had visions of being dragged back to the moated castle of Annecy and tortured for information she didn’t have. Ok, now she was being melodramatic.


    She moved further out into the road. She’d already made her own presence known, there was no sense in hiding, that would just give false impressions. There would be more sense in pretending she had every right to be where she was, in the middle of the countryside covered in mud, than suddenly finding a brain and shutting up.


    There was more rustling and then possibly, a heated conversation between two people made entirely in little scrabbling noises. Or between one person and a bush. There were no spoken words as such, just the image of unspoken tension and then…


    She came stalking out of the underbrush like it was perfectly natural for her to have been there. It took a few seconds but a man loped after her. They were facing Spencer in the road, watching her warily. They couldn’t have been ten metres apart, and the moon did choose that particular moment to literally shed light on the situation.


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    1. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    2. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

    3. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    4. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

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