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    Le Marais – (Chapter: We’re rotten fruit, we’re damaged goods)

    The man was tall, over six foot. He was lanky, and had that self assured air combined with a suave sexuality, that only a Frenchman could muster. That and he was dressed in a vest and grubby pants rather than a uniform. More worryingly, he held a pistol in his hand. It wasn’t exactly aimed at Spencer but it was held in such a way that it could be looking at her in a very, very short space of time. Spencer swallowed.


    The girl was much shorter, by more than a head. She had curly brown hair that escaped a rough scarf tied over it. She too was wearing trousers, unusual for a woman, and a shirt that had seen better times. Her arms were crossed and she looked less than amused.


    The man said something rough, but Spencer didn’t catch it. The woman gave him a look and then looked back to Spencer.


    “I don’t think she’s dangerous.”


    “Now is hardly the time to be taking chances!” the man spat.


    “Yes, and finding her body in the lake won’t cause any undue interest in the area,” the woman retorted sarcastically. “Do you think maybe we should find out who she is first?”


    Her body in the lake? Spencer’s adrenaline finally kicked in and her body went cold. Then the sweat beads formed all over and her legs started to shake. She should run, run, run. Fight or flight response, now, they were going to kill her. But she couldn’t move. At least the sensible part of her brain had the chance to point out that running was almost certain death.


    “Uh, can I have some say in this?” she ventured. Oh great, yeah, talk your new friends out of killing you with humour, that will work. “Who are you?”


    “I don’t really think you’re in the position of asking questions,” the man growled at her. More worryingly, he moved, straight towards Spencer. He stopped two metres away and aimed the pistol at her. Spencer took a step back, not that it would make much difference if he chose to pull the trigger.


    “Jean-Luc don’t be an ass,” the girl said, rolling her eyes and coming to stand next to him. She put a gentle hand on the mans arm and pushed the pistol down to aim at the floor. Then she turned to Spencer. “Who are you?”


    “Spencer,” now didn’t seem like the time to argue. “Spencer Carlin.”


    “Where are you from?”


    “Annecy,” she pointed towards the town.


    “What are you doing out here?” Jesus, this was practically an interrogation. Then again, they had the gun.


    “Honestly, I have no idea. I think I was going for a walk and I hit my head… or something hit me, I woke up in the mud.”


    “Pfft, likely.” As if he was a stereotype, the man spat out whatever he was chewing and put a cigarette in his mouth. Lighting it, he shook his head.


    “Jean-Luc are you fucking nuts?” The girl swore. “You can’t let a light out here, fucking hell.”


    “Oh for god sakes,” he said exasperatedly, “Between the three of us we’re making enough noise to wake the dead.”


    “We need to get out of here,” the brunette agreed. “And you’re coming with us.”


    It took Spencer only a fraction of a second to realize that the girl was referring to her.

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    1. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    2. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

    3. awww ashleyyy!! :-(. and i really like what you’re doing with spencer. it’s a coma adventure!! YAAAAY!! hehehe. those are always fun. i’m guessing the brunette in annecy is ashley. but ahh! what’s going to happennnn? dun dun dunnnn.

    4. You have such an amazing imagination. It will be interesting to find out what will happen to Spencer in her coma fantasy. I feel really bad for Ashley and the Carlins. They are worried sick about Spencer while Spencer thinks she is France. Love it already! PMS!

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