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    Learning To Breathe – (Chapter: White Light)

    Ashley is driving for a while, her and Spencer talk about anything and everything as they cruise along the road. Ashley finally pulls up to the school. 

    "You’re bringing me to school early?!" Spencer says laughing "That’s the surprise?" 


    Ashley laughs back, "Haha no, come on"

    They both get out of the car and start walking towards the school.

    Ashley leads the way as they creep through the parking lot, and Spencer becomes worried.


    "Can’t we get in trouble for this??"





    Ashley acts as sarcastic as possible to scare the blonde. "Well it is illegal we’re trespassing!"

    "Why are we here though"

    Ashley stops walking and turns to face Spencer.


    "This is where I come when things bother me…"

    "But isn’t school what bothers you?" Spencer says trying to make a joke.


    Ashley smiles. "Come on i’ll show you."

    Ashley puts out her hand towards Spencer and she grabs it. They both start walking to the side of the school.

    "There’s a ladder back here that leads to the roof. You have to climb it." Ashley begins positioning the ladder upright for them to climb. 


    "This is fun already!"


    "You can go first" Ashley says

    Spencer begins to make her way up the ladder, when she feels a set of eyes on her. Ashley is obviously checking her out and Spencer turns around laughing.

    "How do you like the view!"


    Ashley becomes embarassed not knowing her staring was obvious. "it’s great!"


    Ashley finally climbs up the ladder after her and they both start walking across the roof tops.


    "So…where to now? I still don’t know what’s going on"


    "Just keep walking" Ashley says as she nudges Spencers shoulder 

    They walk across the entire school before they end up ontop of the gym.
    Ashley jumps in front of Spencer and covers her eyes.

    "Ahh! I walked all this way to be blinded?!"


    "Nooo, more like surprised" the brunette laughs 

    Ashley walks Spencer closer to the edge. Inching her slowly as the breeze hits them both softly. Ashley can feel the goosebumps on Spencer where their skin touches. It only adds to Ashleys joy of surprising her.

    "Ok… open!"

    Spencer opens her eyes and sees a huge lake with almost white water. It looks like the water has frozen over as if it were winter in a much northern state. Spencers eyes grow wide staring out at the view before her

    "It’s beautiful, but how is the water so clear and icy"


    Ashley moves to the side of Spencer and puts her finger under her chin tilting it upward. "Look up" 


    The blonde looks up at the sky and sees thousands of stars shining brightly. Since the school is so dark at night, everything becomes more clear.  


    "Who would have thought a view like this would be at school."  


    "Yeah, this always calms me down and I wanted to come to get over what your mom said."


    Spencer moves her face of off the stars and turns to Ashley, "I knew that was still bothering you.."


    "I figured since you were involved in all of that, I’d bring you too"


    Spencer sits down on the roof and pats the ground next to her for Ashley to sit down.


    "Have you ever brought anyone else here?"


    "No, nobody knows about this."


    "Then what makes me so special?" Spencer says as she smiles in Ashleys direction 

    Ashley doesn’t know what to say.. Spencer is just staring at her with one of her beautiful smiles. All she wants to do is tell her that she likes her, but doesn’t know if Spencer is gay.


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