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    Let the Flames Begin – (Chapter: The Point)

    You lean back against the hood of the car, nursing the beer resting between your palms. A few moments pass before you hear the slam of the door and feel her warmth next to you. You remain silent; you’re not sure what you should say. So you tilt your head back, draining the rest of the liquid from the glass bottle.

    You throw the bottle over the rail, it shatters, this makes you smile. After grabbing another beer you twist the cap off, keeping your eyes focused on the beer’s label as you speak.

    "I don’t know where to start."

    She lifts herself onto the hood of her car, you quickly follow suit.

    "Start at the beginning, how’d you meet her?"

    You lean your head back against the windshield, taking in a deep breath as you close your eyes and think back.

    "We had just moved out to Ohio…. I remember I was in my room, I’d finally managed to get my internet running again."

    You pause, opening my eyes and looking towards Jess.

    "Glen, you know Glen right?"

    She nods her head.

    "Yeah, Glen. He came into my room, just barged right in. Saying something about being tired of being cooped up in the house all day and night."


    "Come on Spence, let’s go somewhere."

    He grabs your arm.

    "Can’t you see I’m doing something?"

    You watch him as he looks up at your computer screen and lets out a scoff.

    "Spending your night on myspace, sounds fun!"

    Another dirty look is your response.

    "Come on Spence, I need a wingman."

    A sigh is escapes your throat as you close your computer’s monitor and stare down at the white apple.

    "Ask Clay."

    He shakes his head, while sitting on the edge of your bead.

    "I already asked him. Apparently he’s taking some sort of online class, and he can’t go anywhere until he figures out what x equals."


    You sit up on the cars hood, staring up at the moon before continuing.

    "Needless to say he convinced me to go out with him."

    You down a bit of your beer.

    "Where’d he take you?"

    You rub your hands over your face as you try to recall the name of the place.

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