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    Lips of an Angel

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    “Uh huh.” Was her muffled reply. I stopped in my tracks as realisation struck. He’d hit her again.
    “Is he there? Does he know you’re calling me?” I questioned her, trying to remain calm but failing miserably as a mixture of anger and panic overtook my entire being.
    “N… no, he doesn’t, he… he’s gone.” She said, and I relaxed slightly, releasing my grip on the handset clasped desperately between my whitening fingers.
    “Just, wait there. I’ll be right over, don’t go anywhere.” I breathed down the phone whilst scanning the room for a pair of shoes. She murmured in acknowledgement and I hung up the phone, padding quietly towards the front door. I pulled a sweater off the back of the sofa on the way, and slung it over the white wife beater I’d been wearing to sleep, whilst slipping my feet into a pair of my sneakers. I escaped the apartment without a noise, and ran down the one flight of stairs and out the main doors into the torrential downpour outside.

    It’s funny that you’re calling me tonight
    And, yes, I’ve dreamt of you too
    And does he know you’re talking to me
    Will it start a fight
    No I don’t think she has a clue

    I drove as quickly as I could manage in the pouring rain, wiper blades clearing the sea of droplets off the windscreen. I could barely see the road ahead of me, but the route was so completely ingrained in my memory that I didn’t really need to see. I followed the deserted streets until I arrived outside the apartment block, where I killed the engine and climbed out of the car. I ran up the outside steps and into the block, stepping into the elevator.

    Well my girl’s in the next room
    Sometimes I wish she was you
    I guess we never really moved on
    It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
    It sounds so sweet
    Coming from the lips of an angel
    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    I caught sight of my reflection in the metal doors of the elevator as they slid shut, and I was shocked at what I saw. There was a desperation in my eyes, and my hair was straggly and soaked through by the rain, even though I’d been exposed to it for just a few moments. I guess I just realised how pathetic I looked, stood there trying to be her rescuer in wet pyjamas and a sweater. The doors started to slide open and I slipped between them, running down the hall and pushing through the door to her apartment.

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