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    Lips of an Angel

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    “Ashley?” I hollered into the dark room, before listening intently. All I could hear was the silence, and that scared me far more than any other noise could have. I walked through the living room and scanned the open plan kitchen as I passed it, seeing the phone lying discarded on the wooden floor. My heart began to race as I searched the apartment, my head peering around the door of one, two, three bedrooms and into the bathroom. The brunette was nowhere to be seen. I double checked the master bedroom, and saw a light emanating from the crack in the en-suite bathroom door.

    It’s really good to hear your voice saying my name
    It sounds so sweet
    Coming from the lips of an angel
    Hearing those words it makes me weak

    “Ashley?” I called, softer this time, as I moved through the bedroom and into the small bathroom. The brunette was crouched fully-clothed in the shower stall, sat under a stream of water. Tears were rolling down her face as she ran her hands over her face and through her hair, trying to wash away a stream of crimson blood that kept trickling from her hairline and down her cheek. “Oh God,” I muttered, scooting over to her and wiping waterlogged locks of hair from her face. She turned to look at me, her deep brown eyes brimming with pain and exhaustion.

    “Spencer,” she whispered, her throat dry and her voice hoarse, “please, don’t let him.”
    “It’s okay, you’re safe now.” I told her, trying to reassure her. I wrapped my arms around the frail girl as tightly as I could, and helped her out of the shower. I turned it off as she stood up, and helped her into the bedroom. Dry sobs were wracking her body as she sat down heavily on the bed, even though I tried to get her up and out of the apartment. “Ash, come on.” I pleaded, pulling on her arm. My grip was wringing the water out of her sleeve, and I supposed it would be a good plan to get her out of her wet clothes. I dug through her drawers and placed a dry shirt and pants beside her, before stepping back into the bathroom and grasping at a dry towel hung on a rack.

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