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    Lips of an Angel

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    As I re-entered the bedroom, I heard Ashley screech painfully as a thick hand collided heavily with the side of her head. My eyes narrowed at her assailant, the towel dropping from my grip and onto the floor.
    “I knew it, I fucking knew you were cheating on me, you fucking whore!” Aiden yelled, his eyes filled with anger and his jaw tight as he moved towards me. He raised his arm to hit me, and I did the only thing I could think of. I threw myself to the floor and slid under the bed, out of his reach. Ashley’s tears returned as she pressed a hand to her face, her fingertips covered in blood.
    “Stop crying. Stop, fucking, crying!” He hollered, kicking the frail brunette hard in the back. With every strike, she simply cried louder, and I wondered how the neighbours could live with themselves, ignoring this. I swept my hand around under the bed, and it came into contact with a hammer, spirit level and a small packet of nails. Not questioning why they were there, but grateful that they were, I grabbed the hammer and smashed into the kneecap of Aiden’s standing leg. His knee bent in an unnatural fashion, and he fell to the floor with a thud.
    As he lay there, writhing in pain, I slid out from under the bed and helped Ashley up from the floor, moving her as quickly as possible out of the bedroom and through the apartment. Aiden’s screams were blood curdling and filled with curses aimed at us, but I didn’t stop moving.

    And I never wanna say goodbye
    But girl you make it hard to be faithful
    With the lips of an angel

    Ashley finally stopped crying as she sat in the passenger’s seat of my car. She swiped the tears away from her cheeks and looked at me with grateful eyes. I missed those eyes so much, I missed those cheeks, those hands, those lips. Seeing her so broken and raw brought every feeling back, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted it.
    “Spencer, thank you so much.” She said, throwing her harms around my neck and pulling me close over the centre console. I laced my arms around her waist and held her close, revelling in the touch. I could feel her breath on my ear, and shivered slightly at the sensation. “I love you.”

    “I love you, too.” Who was I trying to fool? Those feelings were there even before I picked up the phone.

    Honey why you calling me so late?

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