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    Lost Hope – (Chapter: 1)

    Part 1 

    Never had the club been this packed before. The brunette had to weave her way in and out of the drunken mob that had swarmed to hear her band’s music. The tour had been crazy and life for famous Raife Davies daughter seemed to move way to fast. Her band was performing in several minutes and Ashley was beginning to get nervous. She never got nervous what was different about tonight. Maybe it’s the fact that we go on in like five minutes and I can’t find my fucking drummer! The brunette scanned the room searching for the familiar mohawk of her drummer Ben. Sighing with relief she spotted the pointy green mohawk above the crowd towards the back of the room. She pushed her way through the crowd towards the green spikes. She was about to go off on her missing drummer when she realized with a jolt of panic that he could not understand her. The drummer was slumped over the bar, passed out. The brunette let out a roar of frustration.

    "Who the fuck served him," the brunette screamed, steam seemed to issue from her ears and everyone near her backed away in order to stay out of the line of fire, "I told you not to fucking serve the drunk before shows!" Where the hell am I going to find a drummer in five minutes…it’s impossible! Well, I guess that this is the end of Ashley Davie’s tour… Anger was replaced by pure sadness as the brunette joined the drunked drummer at the bar. She didn’t notice the round of polite coughing coming form behind her. The coughs became louder and soon the depressed brunette heard them. She turned around slowly in her chair, feeling slightly sorry for this unfortunate trespasser. All of her emotions washed away as she observed the blonde before her. She was stunning. The lights in the club bounced off her features causing her to almost glow. The blonde’s ‘Rolling Stones’ t-shirt matched her ripped jeans very nicely. Ashley noted how the ripped jeans wrapped around the girls body causing her mouth to water. Her bracelets finished off her punk apperance.

    "You need a drummer?" It was a simple question, but Ashley couldn’t bring herself to answer it. Just watching this girl’s mouth move was enough to send waves of pleasure down her body. The blonde opened her mouth again to repeat the question but this time Ashley actually heard it.

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