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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Fiftty Two)

    Some of the morning sun’s rays managed to peek through a slit of the bedroom’s curtained windows painting the room in a unique dark orange glow. Spencer slowly opened her eyes to a rare yet, as of recently, reoccurring sight.

    Ashley was sat next to her seemingly wide awake, courtesy of the coffee mug on the night stand Spencer deduced, writing something down on printing paper. Her hair hadn’t been touched but she still looked breath taking and she donned her reading glasses. This was a sight, Spencer was sure, the world has never seen of the rocker.

    The blonde couldn’t help but be mildly turned on by this studious side of her wife.

    “Staring isn’t polite,” Ashley chastised her eyes still trained on the paper in front of her.

    “Call me rude then,” Spencer retorted with a smile. She turned to face the rocker and snuggled deeper into her pillow. “You’ve been doing this a lot lately,” she whispered.

    The rocker’s eyebrow arched, “Writing early in the morning in my underwear,” she joked as a light confused frown fell upon her face.

    “No,” the blonde chuckled. “You’ve been waking up before me. That usually never happens.”

    Ashley shrugged setting down her paper and pencil. She looked over at her wife, “Yeah, I know, I can’t really explain it.” She said slowly. “Maybe it’s because I know I get to wake up to the most beautiful woman in the world and my body naturally can’t wait to get up and see you.”

    Spencer blushed and smiled, “Is that what it is?”

    The rocker leaned over and kissed the blonde’s cheek, “Of course. It’s biological. I can’t fight something that’s happening naturally to my body.”

    “You make a good point,” Spencer whispered rubbing her nose affectionately against her wife’s. She let out a content sigh and then asked, “So … what were you writing?”

    The rocker immediately sat back up and held her paper a little closer, “Nothing,” she smirked.

    Spencer’s curiosity peaked as she sat up, “Judging by the way your gripping that paper I wouldn’t say it was nothing.” She said crossing her arms with a tiny smirk of her own.

    Ashley was only momentarily distracted by the now open view of her wife’s bra clad breasts but managed a quick enough recovery to concentrate on what was being said. She grinned and shook her head, “It’s nothing for you to worry about now.” She teased.

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    1. I so love this story. Its beautifully written, its just so amamzing. I really am addicted to this story and Im so looking forward to the next update.pms!!!

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