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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Fifty)

    The tour, despite the many setbacks was a success and a major, much needed, boost in Ashley’s popularity. She was back on top again where she needed and deserved to be. That was one obstacle or accomplishment rather, out of the way. Now, she had marriage and a new label to tackle.
    As soon as the tour was over Paula and Clay had the rocker pulled in different directions every day. Clay, with business in mind, had her hauled to countless meetings in preparation of her new record company opening and Paula, with the wedding in mind, had her dragged to rehearsals, fittings, and bakeries every other day.

    Alas, every detail of the wedding had finally been ironed out and every contract had been signed for the label which was now under construction.

    Finally, it was the morning before Spencer and Ashley’s wedding. Tomorrow, at Gotham Hall they would be pronounced Mrs. and Mrs. Davies.

    Ashley watched Spencer pack her overnight bag with a pout as she sat on the bed, “This is ridiculous Spencer.” She huffed in distaste.

    Spencer paused in her packing to give the rocker a slightly exasperated look. “It’s tradition.” She corrected setting her hands on her hips.

    The rocker frowned. “Um, were two women getting married? That goes against every wedding tradition out there.” She countered.

    The blonde continued packing, “It’s to ward off bad luck in our marriage.” She replied.

    Ashley scoffed, “By not seeing each other the whole day?”

    “That’s the idea,” Spencer said as she zipped her bag up. “We’re not supposed to see each other until I walk down that aisle… or at least that’s what mom said.”

    “That’s such bullshit!”

    “Language,” the blonde chastised reflexively.

    “Sorry. What if we sneak a kiss before the wedding?”

    “That would defeat the whole purpose,” Spencer replied as she shouldered her bag. She giggled when Ashley’s pout deepened. “It’s only for a day.”

    The rocker slid off the bed and wrapped her arms around the blonde. “This sucks,” she whispered against her neck.

    Ashley truly didn’t want to be without her fiancée for a day. It was like taking a treasured toy from a toddler. The blonde found this side of the rocker so endearing, she almost caved… almost.

    Spencer recuperated the hug, “The day will fly by I promise you.” She assured.

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    1. AAHHH!!!! That was sooooo great, ive been reading this story from the beginning and this is one of the best stories i have ever read! I think you are a very great writer. I loved and savored every moment of the chapter. I cant wait to c where there new life will take them, please continue this story, because I, anylove1, am your biggest fan and i cant wait to read more.

    2. omg they are finally married! with all the drama I wasn’t sure it was actually going to happen! wooohoooooo! that was awesome! please tell me you’re continuing it though and that this isn’t the end?!?

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