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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Fifty One)

    The couple screamed in ecstasy as they simultaneously collapsed on against each other in a tangle of limps onto the bed. A thick coat of sweat covered their bodies as they tried to regulate their breathing.

    Spencer tiredly rested her head onto the rocker’s heaving chest. “Wow,” she gasped out.

    “Yeah,” the brunette mumbled in between shallow breaths. When Ashley was finally able to muster up the energy she wrapped her arms securely around the blonde.

    Spencer lazily trailed her finger across the rocker’s collar bone, “What time is it?” She asked in a quiet voice.

    Ashley quickly glanced at the clock on the side table. “It’s ten,” she muttered closing her eyes.

    The blonde’s head shot up, “At night,” she questioned.

    The rocker chuckled at her wife’s expression. She lazily lifted a hand and pointed towards the window across the room that overlooked the beach. “Do you see sun out there,” she teased.

    Spencer glanced over at the window and back to her wife, “We’ve been … in bed for over six hours?” She asked in awe and confusion.

    “Yep,” the rocker smirked. Who could blame her? She’s had years of pent up sex frustration. She was definitely gonna get her fill. “We’ve been pretty busy. We must lost track of time.”

    Spencer blushed and buried her head in the crook of Ashley’s neck. “I didn’t notice,” she mumbled embarrassed. “It felt so … good.”

    The rocker smiled at her wife’s shyness, “There’s no need to be embarrassed baby. We’ve just had hours of mind blowing sex-”

    “Love making,” the blonde corrected. “The word sex sounds vulgar.”

    “Don’t give me that vulgar crap,” Ashley chuckled. “You want to talk about vulgar? Spencer, just a second ago you were screaming out every cuss word in the book!”

    The blonde blushed once again. She shook her head, “Those words … they slipped out I didn’t mean for them to come out like that.”

    “Oh really?”

    “Yes … I don’t think they count because they were said … during a moment of passion and ecstasy.” The blonde explained with a satisfied nod.

    The rocker rolled her eyes. “Sure.”

    Spencer poked her stomach, “I mean it.”

    “It was kinda hot,” Ashley purred sliding a hand down to squeeze the blonde’s bottom. She frowned however when her wife swatted her away.

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