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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Eight)

    The Trouble Makers were lounging in Ashley’s hotel suite when the rocker walked in, a ten watt smile adorning her face. There was a slight bounce in her stride as she stepped towards the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of orange juice.

    Eric grinned and held his hand out towards Ryan, “That’s five bucks,” he sang out childishly.

    “No way,” the bass player brushed the hand away. “You didn’t win the bet.”

    Eric rolled his eyes, “Did you not see her?”

    Before Ryan could retort Ashley spoke, “Why do I have a feeling the ‘her’ you’re referring to is me and not Elmer’s?”

    “Hey,” Aiden scoffed.

    “That’s because the bet is about you,” the driver replied.

    Ashley shook her head and joined her friends at the table, “I’m afraid to ask but … what exactly is this bet you two are talking about?”

    “Eric bet me five bucks that you’d come in here skipping with a goofy smile on your face,” Ryan explained. “Sure you had the goofy smile but I would hardly call that a skip.”

    “That was totally a skip,” Eric admonished. “Danny, wasn’t she skipping?”

    Carrot Top shook his head, “That was more of a bounce.”

    The driver frowned, “Is there a difference?”

    “Um,” Ashley said waving her hand theatrically. “Could we please not talk about me like I’m not here? Cause, hello, I’m here.”

    “Yeah, yeah,” Eric grumbled crossing his arms.

    Ryan chuckled at his friend’s expense. He nodded and asked, “You’re in a good mood. Did you talk to Spencer again last night?”

    The rocker smiled and nodded as she took a sip from her bottle.

    “That makes nine nights in a row right?” He asked with a hint of giddiness in his voice. He had to admit he was extremely happy the couple was patching things up. He couldn’t stand to see them suffer.

    “Eleven,” Ashley corrected as she set her juice down. She smiled once again as she thought about her last phone conversation with her fiancée.

    “I’m glad to have Happy Sappy Ashy back,” Eric commented. Less than a second later he had a sharp kick delivered to his shin from under the table. He let out a shriek and turned to Ryan. He was about to give the bass player a piece of his mind when suddenly it dawned on him what he let slip.

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    1. OMG! I love your writing so much. Please post more soon, these long gaps are starting to make me lose hope, i keep thinking that you have stopped writing this story. Please post more soon, i cant wait for the wedding and the honeymoon! ;) i have been waiting through out this whole story for the honey moon, please dont make me wait much longer lol. Well anyways great post and please post more soon!!!!!!!!!

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