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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Four)

    As Ashley and Spencer sat tiredly against the cabinets on the kitchen floor covered in chocolate cake mix, butter and caramel the doorbell suddenly sounded startling them both.

    “Oh great,” Spencer half chuckled half sighed.

    “I don’t know how we’re going to explain this one to them,” Ashley muttered as she picked some mix out of her hair.

    “This was your entire fault,” Spencer blamed.

    The rocker frowned, “This was so not my … okay maybe it was my fault but it’s your fault for making me do what I did.”

    Spencer sputtered. “I didn’t make you do anything Ash,” the blonde countered.

    “Sure you didn’t,” Ashley deadpanned sarcastically.

    “I didn’t!”

    They heard footsteps and groaned. Kyla, Grandma, Ryan, and Aiden all rounded the corner hoisting suitcases.

    “Hey guys we’re ho-,” Kyla paused as she and the others took in the scene. “What the heck happened to you guys?”

    “This looks like a sugary crime scene,” Aiden said gleefully.

    “What did you two do to my kitchen,” Carol gasped. “More importantly what did you two do to yourselves?” She questioned setting her hands on her hips.

    “Spencer did it,” the rocker quickly blamed pointing at her fiancée.

    “Hey,” the blonde hissed tossing a bit of flour at the brunette.

    “You see,” Ashley said. “She’s at it again!”

    The bass player shook his head. “How come I find it hard to believe that Spencer is to blame for all of this,” Ryan chuckled as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

    Ashley scoffed, “She looks innocent on the outside but, I’m telling you, today I saw a side of Spencer that nobody has ever seen.”

    “How so,” Carol questioned.

    The rocker counted off on her hands, “First, she cheated in air hockey-”

    “I did not,” Spencer countered.

    “You so did.”

    “Guys,” the short brunette intervened, “how did this happen,” Kyla asked.

    Ten Minutes Ago

    “Are you sure you know all of the instructions?”

    Ashley sighed exasperated, “Yes, Spencer.”

    “You don’t need me to repeat them to you again?”


    “Are you positive?”

    “Spencer,” the rocker groaned. “You’ve told me the instructions twenty times now! We’re making brownies, how hard could it be?”

    Spencer smirked as she got out some ingredients. “For you, making the simplest snack can be as a hard as building the ancient Egyptian pyramids.”

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    1. ohh boy… as much as honesty is the best policy, spence tends to freak when stuff like this happens… so I’m not sure what the heck is gonna go down! is ash gonna tell her? hmmm. I can so see spence freaking out over it and it leading to a big ol’ fight. grr. seriously ship heather off to rehab and be done with her!!! great update, pms!

    2. i hate heather. but she is in love so i guess i have to give her that… wait no!!!! i have to hate her not feel sorry!!! boo my bi-polarness!!!

    3. Excellent chapter. Is Heather trying to get sympathy from Ashley to lure Ashley to her. I hope Ashley stays strong. I will be so glad when Spencer and Ashley can physically express the love they have for each other. That bond will be so strong that no one can break. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

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