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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Nine)

    It was safe to say Spencer’s visit had been Ashley’s best birthday present ever. She couldn’t wrap up her concert fast enough. Her audience was completely oblivious to the fact they had become forgotten, unintentionally, as the rocker’s eyes stayed trained on Spencer throughout the rest of the performance.

    She couldn’t believe her fiancée was here. Even as they lay on her hotel bed facing one another on their sides she still couldn’t believe it. Everything felt almost surreal… like a dream.

    “I can’t believe you’re here,” she whispers.

    Spencer smiles affectionately. The rocker had been repeating these words since the moment she’d arrived. She had even witnessed, amusingly, the rocker not so subtly pinch herself a few times.

    “I’m here,” the blonde reassures.

    Ashley’s reaches out and delicately traces her finger tips across Spencer’s arm leaving a small trail of goose bumps on the soft skin as she trailed them back and forth. “You’re really here,” she mumbled thoughtfully.

    Spencer twirls her finger around one of the rocker’s brown curls. “I think I’d be the worst fiancée ever if I had forgotten your birthday.” She jokes in an effort to lighten the mood.

    The rocker shifts closer to the blonde tangling their legs together. She gently cups her fiancée’s cheek. “I’m so sorry,” she begins but stops when the blonde places a finger on her lips.

    “No more apologies,” Spencer says quietly as she moves her finger away. “It’s a part of the past and I want nothing more than to move on from that… deal?”

    Ashley nods silently. She brings her lips to meet the blonde’s in a soft kiss. As their lips brush together she could hear her fiancée release a content sigh. The rocker smiles into the kiss as she cups the back of the blonde’s neck bringing her closer.

    “I missed you so much,” she breathes out against her lips.

    “I missed you too,” the blonde replies. She pulls back slightly and rubs noses with the rocker affectionately. Unintentionally giving her fiancée a small Eskimo kiss. “It’s been a tough month,” she adds.

    “One I never want to go through again,” Ashley mutters sleepily.

    “Agreed,” Spencer nods. “Let’s get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” She says as she slips off the bed momentarily and pulls the bed sheets back.

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    1. Great update! Wedding planning is so much work!! I’m glad everything is good with them and they are getting married soon!! Can’t wait for it!!!

    2. OMG!!!! Im so glad you posted!!!!!! That was a great update. And i agree with ashley im sooooo ready for the honeymoon, ive been waiting for it during this whole story. Even after they get married i hope u dont stop writing this story because i love it!!!!

    3. omg the wedding is finally going to happen?! yay! I think I agree with ash on the whole momzilla issue lol. I’m glad they are ok and am hoping that since you’ve promised the wedding next chap that they stay that way! as for present tense writing, if it’s better for you then go with it. when something’s written in present tense I tend to read it in past tense in my head. a bit tedious, but it’s your story and I’ll read it however you write it.

    4. OMG IM RIDICULOUSLY EXCITED!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hurry and post it :) I adore this story. I’m so glad things are ok with them again.

    5. Excellent chapter. Relationships are like being on a rollercoaster… up and down and all around. I’m so happy Spencer and Ashley are back together. I can’t wait for the wedding. My champagne is already on ice.

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