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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Seven)

    Spencer sat in the University’s student union unconsciously turning the ring on her left finger around. Her mind was completely set on one thing or one person rather … Ashley.

    No matter how hard Spencer tried to keep her focus on school and her studies she couldn’t help but think of Ashley. It felt almost as if the blonde had been warped back into time when she was a young school girl in Germany counting the long lonely days that led up to the reunion with her girlfriend again.

    For the past week the blonde had found herself sleep deprived and all together dead inside without Ashley. She cried herself to sleep, on the rare occasion that sleep fell upon her, every night and avoided any contact with the rocker. Her family and even a couple of her professors started to notice the change in her personality and demeanor.

    Ashley’s words during their last conversation rang in her ears incessantly. The pain that resonated from the rocker’s voice cut through her heart like a knife. One question in particular seemed to hurt and … puzzle the blonde most was when Ashley had asked …

    Are you doing this to punish me?

    Was she? Was this Spencer’s way of hurting the rocker as much as it hurt her when Ashley had told her about the kiss? Was she punishing herself? Was this whole ordeal childish? The blonde had plenty of questions … but no answers.

    Spencer was shaken from her thoughts when Kyla took a seat in front of her. The short brunette offered her a small smile in greeting.

    “Hey,” the blonde said.

    “Hey,” the short brunette returned as she set her purse on the table in front of them.

    “How is she,” Spencer questioned shyly.

    Kyla sighed, “I don’t know, why don’t you call her and find-”

    “Kyla,” the blonde interrupted. “You know I can’t.”

    “Whatever,” the short brunette continued. She pulled out a recent issue of People’s magazine and pushed it towards Spencer.

    “Oh my God,” the blonde gasped when she saw the title that read ‘Photographer presses assault charges against Rock Princess Ashley Davies’.

    “You haven’t heard,” Kyla asked surprised.

    Spencer shook her head and sighed, “I haven’t really been in tune with the news or … anything for that matter lately.”

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    1. well it’s about freakin time. thank you kyla and the doc for getting spence to make that phone call. hopefully things get better from here. pms

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