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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty)

    The kitchen fell silent. Christie looked between the three women’s stunned faces. Suddenly laughter came bubbling up out of the red head. Kyla, Ashley and Spencer stared at her thoroughly confused.

    “What the hell is so funny,” Ashley asked sternly as Christie doubled over clutching her stomach. “Chris, what the fuck is so funny,” she repeated irritated.

    “You guys … are what’s funny,” the red head gasped in between chuckles.

    “What,” Spencer and Kyla asked in unison.

    Christie took a deep breath and clamed herself. “I don’t know any Clyde Stevens. I made the story up you bunch of sillies.” She wiped a tear from her eye.

    “How could you,” the rocker asked baffled. “Why would you use that name specifically?”

    “Ryan had called me up before ya’ll left Hawaii and told me all about this creepy guy,” the red head explained. “He had said how this ‘surfer dude’ Clyde had freaked you out when he was stalking ya’ll-”

    “We don’t know if he was stalking,” Spencer piped in.

    “Honey, get a clue,” Christie shook her head. “The man was peeping through your window, in the middle of the night, with some lame ass story to cover his tracks. That falls under stalking in the dictionary. If you don’t think so, well, show me a different definition.”

    “So you don’t have a Clyde in your family,” Kyla asked wanting reassurance.

    “No, thank God,” the redhead laughed. “Gosh, I sure did fool you gullible girls. You should have seen the looks on ya’ll faces. I should win an Oscar for my performance.”

    “Or a beat down,” Ashley growled shoving Christie. “That wasn’t funny. You really had us scared there for a moment.”

    Of course the rocker was relieved but she was also pissed. Who wouldn’t be? Plus she’s never liked being the brunt of a joke.

    “Alright, clam down Rock Star,” the red head raised her hands up in surrender. “I apologize. I didn’t realize this was gonna mess with you that much. It was just a joke. This guy really got to you didn’t he?”

    “Yeah,” Ashley sighed. “I don’t really want to talk about him anymore.”

    Spencer rubbed soothing circles down the rocker’s back. The room went quiet for a moment. Kyla cleared her throat and spoke up. “So, Christie, are these pies all ready? Everyone’s probably waiting.”

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    1. I agree that ash has changed, but being that it’s been so long since she’s been on tour, I’m thinking that it’s going to be pretty hard to adjust, especially having spence around. ash is used to just doing whatever while she’s out, now she’s going to have her fiance with her, so she’d better stay in line. and I think that’s gonna be difficult for her to do. excellent update! and thank god about clyde.. really I don’t want to see him again! pms please!!

    2. That was a really goos update….i cant waot for the next 1 tho…im ready for ashley ans spencer to get married, so that can have thier honeymoon ;) but anyways, im really glad that u updated…im so ready for another 1, your story is 1 of the only 1s that i read anymore!!!!! ur doin great so pms asap!!!!!!

    3. OMg this was sooo awesome, please post mroe now! I made an account just to post this comment so you woukd write more and to tell you I think your an awesome writer! I really love this story! I really love your other story too! But it was awesome, please post more soon! take care. :)

    4. I loved how Ash started rambling around Arthur, that was hilarious. I’m glad that he gave her his blessing. I can’t believe Christie would do that, it was funny though. Just started reading this story, it’s really great =) pms please =)

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