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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Five)

    Carol, who had just been released from her care, Aide, Spencer and Ashley sat in the private waiting room waiting to hear about Kyla’s current status. They had already gotten news of Ryan’s condition. He has a few broken ribs and some nasty cuts but he’ll survive. He was currently resting.

    As for Kyla, it had been nearly five hours since they’d heard anything since she’d arrived. The rocker was beginning to get restless. Carol could see her granddaughter was about to blow.

    “What the fuck is taking so long,” Ashley said with a frustrated sigh.

    “Watch the language,” Grandma chastised reflexively.

    “Kyla is in surgery Ash,” Spencer replied taking hold of the rocker’s fidgeting hands. She calmingly rubbed the pad of her thumb against the brunette’s skin.

    “Surgeries take long,” Aiden added.

    “No shit Elmer’s,” Ashley snapped. “You want to tell us some more things that are obvious? The sky is blue and grass is green? Does that about cover it?”

    Aiden looked down hurt. The blonde frowned at her fiancée’s behavior. “Ashley,” she said in a low warning tone. “Stop it. You just hurt his feelings.”

    “Why does he have to say such stupid fucking shit,” the rocker retorted as she hopped on to her feet and began to pace. “What the fuck is taking so long,” she repeated.

    Carol let out an inaudible sigh, “Ashley why don’t you have a seat?”

    “I don’t want to sit,” the brunette replied.

    “You’re working yourself up Ashley,” Grandma persisted. “Come on and just sit.”

    “I don’t want to sit Grandma,” the rocker repeated stubbornly.

    The doctor walked in. The rocker’s legs went weak and she unconsciously took a seat. The room went quiet and all eyes were on him. He gave the family a small smile and a light nod. Ashley immediately spoke up. “Is she alright?” She asked timidly.

    “She made it through the surgery,” the doctor replied.

    “Oh, looks like I made it in time,” Christine said as she walked into the waiting room.

    “Ma’am,” the doctor questioned.

    “Oh,” Christine replied taking hold of his hand and shaking it. “My name is Christine, I’m Kyla’s mother. How is she? Is she alright?”

    “He was just about to say,” Spencer informed.

    The doctor cleared his throat and continued. “She made it through the surgery only with a few minor complications. Her vitals are fine and her breathing is stable. However, she is in a coma.”

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    1. I knew as soon as ash wanted to see him alone that she was going to blame him. not the time for blame ash! more like it’s time to get into ky’s room and see that she’s recovering! props to ash for slapping christine, man she deserved it. excellent update, can’t wait for more!

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