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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Four)

    The flight back to New York was a quiet and nerve racking one. Endless scenarios ran through the groups’ minds. No one knew what to expect when they arrived at the hospital. Spencer, Ashley, Ryan, and Aiden were the only ones flying back home. The rest of the Trouble Makers, reluctantly, had to stay behind.
    During the flight Spencer watched Ashley carefully. The rocker had cried non-stop on their way to the airport but now she sat eerily quiet staring blankly out the small window. It was as if she had no more tears left to cry.

    The blonde gently took hold of Ashley’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly. The rocker turned to look at her. Spencer smiled lightly, “I’m sure she’s fine Ash,” she whispered.

    The rocker let out a shaky breath and nodded hesitantly. She went back to staring out the window. After a minute the brunette turned to look at her fiancée.

    She bit her lip as she tried to hold back the flood of tears she could feel desperately trying to break free. “Spencer,” she breathed out. “I don’t know what I would do if I lost her.” She cried.

    “Shhh,” the blonde hushed as she wrapped her arms around the distraught brunette. “Let’s not talk that way. Everything’s going to be fine.” She whispered.

    For some unknown reason though, there was a nagging feeling in the back of her head that kept telling her … everything wasn’t going to be fine.

    When the plane finally touched down the group wasted no time rushing over to May Flower Hospital. Once they arrived at the hospital they found journalists and photographers huddled at the entry.

    Ashley frowned at the sight as she and the group shuffled out of the car. “These fuckers know everything don’t they,” she said angrily.

    Aiden and Ryan held on protectively to the girls as they plowed their way through the crowd and into the hospital. Ashley and Aiden immediately ran over to the emergency room’s front desk.

    “Where’s Carol Davies’ Room?” They both rushed out simultaneously to a woman who sat typing away on a computer.

    Without looking up from her computer the woman answered in a mono tone voice, “Are you two relatives of Ms. Cheryl Davies?”

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    1. ooohhhh no. I’m going to be very very mad if ky dies!!! ugh how frustrating.. I cannot believe you left it there!!!! seriously, you need to PMS!

    2. omg…i was so caught up in this i almost cried! i was like plz dnt be kyla n ryan. ahhhhhh. wow plz dnt let anyone die. PMS!!! great chap evn tho it was sad :(

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