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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty One)

    It’s been nearly four years since Ashley had been on tour. For the past years she’s been appearing in nothing but movies. Now that her contract at Universal Studios was up the rocker was finally free from the slew of cheesy movies that Mark had lined up for her. A handful of them were blockbuster hits, and the others embarrassing box office flops.

    The songs are what made the movies much to Ashley’s displeasure. The music was all pop and preppy in contrast to Ashley’s more punk and rock style of singing. That was another thing the rocker had no say over while under contract. She was basically a puppet and the heads of the movie studio were her masters.

    That was all about to change now. Since she’s opening her own label she’d be able to have total creative control over the songs she’d sing. For the tour Ashley had made the decision to introduce some new songs that have yet to be released. She doesn’t know if this is going to help or hurt her career but, it’s worth a try.

    It was four hours before her first show and Ashley couldn’t be more nervous. Her fiancée had never seen her so keyed up before. The rocker was unable to sit still. She would fiddle with her guitar, chat with the band, bark orders to her aides, and then re-read her lyrics over and over again.

    After a lot of coaxing, Spencer had finally convinced the rocker to take a short break back at their hotel suite. Her first two shows were scheduled in Las Vegas, and Vegas was one of the key cities she needed to win over performance wise.

    “Maybe this was a bad idea,” Ashley whined taking a seat next to her fiancée on the living room couch. “What if my fans don’t like the new songs I have lined up?”

    “Ashley, they’re going to love them,” Spencer reassured for the hundredth time. “You’re mixing the old with new. It should be refreshing.”

    “Yeah,” Ashley muttered distractedly. “I want everything to be perfect. I don’t want there to be any screw ups at all. This is my comeback and I want to blow everyone’s mind.”

    “You will,” Spencer kissed the rocker’s cheek.

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    1. exactly… it’s only beginning which means there’s plenty of time for all kinds of bad stuff to happen! I don’t trust this heather chick not to try something to break up spence and ash. excellent update, looking forward to the next, as well as my alien girlfriend… even though Im’ so sad it’s going to be over! pms please!

    2. so i just started reading this last night and i finished today! your such a good writer! really creative with the use of the SON characters i love! keep up the good work! When are Ashley and Spencer going to married? I can’t wait!And thanks again for the awesome stories!=)

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