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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Seven)

    On her way back from Dr. Johansen’s office Ashley had received a phone call from Grandma telling her the family had migrated from the hospital to the mansion. That was understandable it’d been a long day and everyone had to be tired.

    Ashley didn’t know whether to feel relieved or guilty that she hadn’t gone in to see her sister. She couldn’t bring herself to do it. Her stomach tied into knots at the prospect of seeing her sister lying … lifeless in a bed with various machines hooked to her. It scared her to death.

    By the time the rocker pulled up to the house’s gates it was already going on eleven. As she tiredly shuffled to the front door she looked up to see that some lights in the house were still on.

    Quietly making her way into the house, Ashley made a beeline straight for her bedroom. She wasn’t in the mood to talk with anyone at the moment. The rocker just wanted to cuddle up with her fiancée and get some much needed rest.

    She opened her bedroom door and frowned slightly when she saw Spencer sitting up in bed with the light on reading. The blonde acknowledged her with a small smile before turning her attention back to the book.

    The rocker shrugged off her jacket, letting it carelessly drop onto the floor, “Shouldn’t you be asleep right now,” she asked as she slowly took a seat in front of the blonde.

    Spencer bobbed her head slightly, “Yeah, maybe I should be, but I couldn’t sleep,” she replied sheepishly as she closed her book. “Not with you gone at least.”

    “You know,” the rocker whispered. “You didn’t have to wait up for me Angel.”

    Spencer placed her book off to the side and sighed, “I can’t help it,” she informed with a weary shrug turning her attention to Ashley. “Call it a habit I guess. How did the session with Dr. Johansen go?” She asked carefully.

    “It went ah,” Ashley breathed out with a shrug. “It went fine,” she assured with a nod.

    Spencer too nodded her head. She remained silent as she looked down at her intertwined hands thoughtfully. For whatever reason, the confidence that she had spent the past few hours building up in regards to confronting her fiancée suddenly … went out the window.

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    1. lol leave it to eric to try to lighten things up! I too hope that ash hires ryan back… hopefully she realizes it was a heat of the moment type thing and that ryan didn’t do anything on purpose. excellent update, can’t wait for the next one!

    2. Excellent chapter and it was mighty short but good. The shortness makes you hunger for more and soon, if you get my drift. Anyway I hope someone convinces Ashley to re hire Ryan back. She needs to think about Kyla because when she wakes up and I said when, she’s not going to be to pleased that her sister fired her man.

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