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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Three)

    “Fuck,” Ashley hissed when she missed yet another chord. The band had been rehearsing for about a half hour and the rocker kept playing either out of tempo or out of tune. She angrily stripped off her guitar, “Take five guys,” she whispered to the band.

    Ryan set down his bass and made his way over to the rocker, “Ashley what’s going on? I’ve never seen you play that bad before. What’s up?”

    “Nothing,” Ashley said over a yawn. “I’m just a little bit tired.”

    “I can have Brian do a coffee run,” The bass player suggested.

    The rocker nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good. I’m gonna use the bathroom.” She said before shuffling towards the restroom.

    Heather, who had been watching the rehearsal off to the side, followed behind the rocker. Ryan watched the sultry brunette with suspicious eyes.

    He turned to Eric. The driver shook his head knowingly, “Bad news,” he whispered.

    “Tell me about it,” the bass player dead panned.

    Ashley splashed some water on her face and let out a sigh. She looked up at her reflection with a blank expression. Dark circles were forming under her eyes. “I look like shit,” she hissed. She turned around when she heard the bathroom door open.

    Heather walked over to the rocker. “You look like shit,” she said blandly.

    Ashley almost laughed at the comment, “I’m just tired,” she reasoned. She turned towards the singer and leaned against the sink crossing her arms. “A straight month of being on the road will do that.”

    “True,” the singer agreed. She reached into her pocket, “I’ve got something to keep you sharp and wide awake,” she informed with a smirk as she pulled out a couple of pills.

    “No thanks,” the rocker said easily. “I don’t do that stuff anymore.”

    Heather’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Wow,” she gasped as she slipped the pills back into her pocket. “So, that rehab stuff actually worked for you huh?”

    “That and having Spencer, family, and friends by my side,” Ashley replied smile. “You can’t go wrong with that kind of support system.”

    “I wouldn’t know,” Heather replied grimly. She cleared her throat. “So, where is your girl anyways? I thought she usually shows up with you to rehearsals.”

    The rocker laughed a little bit, “Um, she decided to stay in bed this morning. I think the touring is starting to get to her. When I tried to wake her she mumbled something about tuna fish sandwiches flying. I didn’t have the heart to wake her.”

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    1. I’m with them… heather- long walk, short pier, you get the idea. and poor grandma! she can’t die or anything too serious because yea I can see ash totally losing it. but you did say dark dark drama.. so who knows. excellent update, pms!

    2. Great chapter. I hope grandma’s attack doesn’t pull Ashley and Spencer apart allowing that wench Heather to come back into Ashley’s life cause she’s no good. Ashley’s been clean and she’s already offering her pills. With friends like that…well you know the rest.

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