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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Two)

    Spencer quietly sipped on her coffee and watched as her fiancée slept quietly on their hotel bed. It was almost twelve in the afternoon but the blonde didn’t have the heart to wake her slumbering brunette up.

    It’d been a long night. After the concert the guys had decided to have a celebratory night out on the town. There was no drinking or drugs involved but the Trouble Makers still lived it up until two in the morning. Spencer could barely keep up with the wild group. They bounced from casino to casino at breakneck speed.

    Suddenly a knock sounded on the bedroom door. The blonde quickly set down her mug and rushed over to the door. She didn’t want the insistent knocking to wake Ashley.

    She opened the door. Eric stood there with a smile clutching a newspaper. The blonde sighed exasperated. Eric was always one to ruin some quiet moment. “What do you want Eric,” she whispered.

    “Good morning to you too Spence-a-nator,” Eric replied with a smile. “Came to tell Ash some good news,” he pushed through the door. “Are you kidding me, she’s still asleep?” He asked making his way over to the sleeping rocker.

    The blonde nodded. “I didn’t want to wake her,” she reasoned.

    “Yo, Ash, wake up,” Eric yelled kicking the bed.

    “Eric,” Spencer hissed swatting his arm.

    “What,” Ashley mumbled rubbing at her eyes. “Eric? I’m gonna kick your ass. How the hell did you get into my suite jerk?”

    He held up a keycard. “You need to be up anyways, we hit the road in thirty,” he replied nonchalantly as he plopped down beside her with a smirk. “What’s the matter you’ve never been one to sleep in on tour days? You’re usually up before us!”

    “Yeah, well,” the rocker grumbled sitting up. “I was also taking pills to get me up back then. Now all I’m running on is a natural high. It kinda sucks.”

    There was an awkward pause. Ashley cringed, “Bad joke?”

    “Yeah, pretty bad,” Spencer replied with a tiny smile for her fiancée’s behalf.

    Eric cleared his throat and raised the newspaper he still had clasped in his hand. “Check this out! Front page news baby!” He pointed to the picture of Ashley on stage.

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    1. ok ash, what the hell would possess you to say that to your fiance?? honestly. sometimes I think she truly doesn’t think before speaking! I’m sensing this is only the beginning of what is going to be a long and rough tour full of drama. can’t wait to see what happens next, excellent update!! pms please!

    2. What a great idea Ashley.get spencer even mader at you.i wonder if the what you dont know wont hurt me rule ever appliyed to ashley.there are somethings to keep under lock and key.well anyway post asap i cant wait to see how Spencer is going to react starting to think the tour was a bad idea

    3. loved this chap especially the panty being tossed on the stage n ash laughin at it. lol. this is an amazing chap. the end was HILARIOUS. cnt wait for the next chap. PMS!!

    4. i half to agree with Lea_The_Emo.. This was great chapter and im sensing a little bit dramma on the and the ending was hilarious btw!! :)keep it up!PMS!

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