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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Five)

    The weather was so nice out; the brunette had decided they’d walk to the surprise she had setup for them. As Spencer and Ashley strolled down the beach hand in hand the blonde, much to her fiancée’s amusement, could not stop bouncing. Excitement was cursing through the woman’s jittery body.

    “Ashley, please tell me where we’re going,” she whined swinging their joined hands back and forth out of childish like frustration. “Please.”

    The rocker rolled her eyes playfully. “Spencer you already know my answer to that question. It’s been the same one for the past ten times you’ve asked me, it’s a surprise. You’ll see when we get there.”

    An adorable pout was her response. Usually that alone was enough to make the brunette cave but today she held her ground. Ashley pulled the blonde closer. “Stop pouting. That’s not gonna work. Besides we’re almost there.” That got her a smile.

    After another minute of walking in comfortable silence Ashley spotted their destination. “Alright we’re almost there,” she wrapped her arm around the blonde. “See,” she said pointing towards a small building built of dark colored bamboo.

    “What is it,” Spencer asked shielding her eyes from the sun so she could get a better look. As they drew close enough she was able to make out the sign above the front door. “No way, we’re going surfing,” she shouted.

    Ashley laughed and tugged her overly excited fiancée into the shop. “Yes we sure are. But neither of us knows how to surf so we’re getting some lessons as well.”

    “I’ve always wanted to go surfing,” Spencer whispered looking around the shop at the various surf and beach items with uncontained joy. “This is going to be so cool!”

    The rocker let the blonde do some exploring around the shop as she walked up to the front desk. Strangely there was no one there. “Hello,” she called out.

    “Coming,” a voice called from the back. A young man around Spencer’s age appeared carrying a box of board wax. He was your typical pretty boy, blonde hair that reached just past his ears, blue eyes, a nice build, and a natural tan.

    He looked up at the patiently waiting rocker. “Hello, welcome to … holy cow. Your Ashley Davies the rock princess.” He covered his mouth in shock.

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    1. it’s so cute when ash is jealous. I love it. well if ash does hire clyde I’m sure it has the potential to bring a whole new round of drama into the story. excellent update and the official proposal was absolutely perfect. pms!

    2. just caught up…loved the last update paula cracks me up!! lmao man but yea you keep leaving cliff hangers…not cool man not cool lol but wow yea i liked both..not sure about that surfer guy tho…TROUBLE! lol anyways loved it all fav writter as of now! :D pms please

    3. I don’t think Ashley should hire Clyde. He seems like he may be trouble. In the infatuation department. Great chapter. I love this story. I’m glad it still has a way to go.

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