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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Seven)

    It had been a fun day for Spencer and Ashley. Most of their time was spent on the beach with the other couples playing, tanning, swimming, and what not.

    Ashley in particular enjoyed the day far more than anyone else simply because the name Clyde was not mentioned once. She didn’t know what it was but, she just didn’t trust the guy.

    After a fun filled day the couple had decided to end the day with some movies. All of the films, due to a loss off the game rock paper scissors, were picked out by Spencer, much to the rocker’s displeasure.

    Ashley released a sigh of relief as the ending credits began to roll, “I should like win an award or something,” she announced suddenly.

    “For what,” Spencer asked nestling closer to the brunette.

    “For managing to stay awake through this boring ass movie,” the rocker chuckled earning herself a smack on the thigh from her fiancée.

    “I thought the movie was good,” the blonde countered.

    Ashley shook her head and tweaked Spencer’s nose. “That my dear is because you have horrible taste when it comes to movies.”

    The blonde gasped. “I do not!”

    The rocker nodded. “Yeah you do and you call yourself a future film director,” Ashley continued in mock disgust. “That is just despicable. Hollywood sure does pick their talent straight from the trash.”

    “Alright, that’s enough from you,” Spencer giggled poking the rocker’s stomach. After their laughter settled, the blonde let out a saddened sigh.

    “What’s wrong Angel,” the rocker asked pulling her fiancée closer.

    “Nothing it’s just,” Spencer paused as she collected her thoughts. “I can’t believe this is our last night in paradise. Tomorrow we’ll be back in New York with the fans and the press and the paparazzi. It was nice taking a breather from all of that y’know?”

    “Yeah,” Ashley breathed out. “It was nice.” They sat cuddled up for a good minute in comfortable silence the rocker spoke in an uneasy tone, “Baby?”

    Spencer hummed in response. Ashley let out a sigh. “As you know I’m starting up a record label.” The blonde nodded. “It’s going to take a lot of money to get the business up and running and lately I’ve sort of been out of the lime light and cash flow hasn’t been as steady.”

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    1. great update. that was really messed up of ash to put off telling spencer about the tour. she got one thing kinda right at least she didn’t tell her the night before that would of been way worse.clyde isn’t helping himself when it comes to ashley. he’s digging himself in hole. yeah ashley so gonna keep on eye on him.

    2. omg. how can u jus end it like tht. so i clyde like a peeping tom or sumthng??? ash was so rite bout tom. u cnt just leave it there. PMS!!! like real real soon!!!!!

    3. sucks that ash waited so long to tell spence about the tour… she needs to work on that. however it does seem that she’s right about not trusting clyde… I wanna know what the hell he was doing sneaking around outside bedroom windows… creepy mo-fo. excellent update, pms please!

    4. What! A cliffhanger that sucks. But great update. After everything Spencer and Ashley have gone through, why is everyone so trusting of Clyde? Spencer didn’t even recognize him until he told her who he was. And he’s a peeping tom. PMASAP!

    5. wow sorry i coulda sworn i commented on the last post. i loved it and i loved this one lol but i cant beleive you left it there!!! please please please pms!!!!

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