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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Final Chapter)

    Spencer shuffled through the throngs of people in the living room and into the kitchen. She reached into a cabinet and pulled out a glass. Walking over to the sink she filled her cup with water and proceeded to take a healthy gulp.

    She took in a deep breath and released it slowly. The couple had been home from their honeymoon an hour and the welcome home party was just now getting into full swing. With still no signs of Carol which baffled the blonde.

    She jumped slightly when two arms weaved their way around her middle.

    “Sorry,” Ashley husked placing an apologetic kiss on the blonde’s shoulder blade. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was wondering where you had wandered off to,” she mumbled against her wife’s skin before placing another kiss there.

    “Just getting a drink of water,” Spencer replied leaning back into the rocker.

    The rocker hummed and pulled the blonde closer. “Christie’s here.”

    “We haven’t seen her in awhile,” Spencer said setting her glass down into the sink. She let out a quiet sigh and turned to face her wife. “How’s she doing?”

    Ashley took hold of the blonde’s hand and idly played with her fingers. “Good. She looks great. It’s amazing what sobriety can do for a person.”

    Spencer nodded in agreement. No arguments there. She bit her lip, “Is um, Christine here?” She asked hesitantly.

    The rocker tensed unconsciously. Ashley hadn’t seen her mom since the incident in the hospital had happened. “No,” she muttered blankly. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t know we were even married.” She added with a humorless chuckle.

    Spencer could detect the hurt in Ashley’s jest. She ran her hand down the rocker’s arm, “You two will need to talk eventually Ash,” she whispered.

    The brunette shook shrugged, “I really don’t want to talk about her right now,” she said truthfully. “Change of subject please.”

    Spencer nodded in understanding. She cleared her throat and asked, “Have you seen grandma at all since you got here?”

    The rocker frowned slightly, “No, and that’s really weird. I’m actually starting to get a little worried about that.” She said crossing her arms in thought.

    “Maybe the guys know where she’s at,” Spencer mumbled biting her lip.
    “Yeah, let’s see,” Ashley replied taking hold of her wife’s hand and pulling her out into the crowded living room. None of the Trouble Makers were present which could only mean they’d all moved into the game room. The couple entered the room to an amusing sight.

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    1. I really hope there is a sequel soon, because I loooooved this story so very much. Plus I want to know what happens with Grandma! as for the trouble makers… Aiden stuck out the most to me :D

    2. OMG! I love this story so much. I can’t wait for the sequel. I hope they have a child. And Aiden was my favorite because he is the one that got them together in the 1st place. I can’t wait for the sequal!!!!!!! PMS!!!

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