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    love child and video tape: what you didnt see

    Spencer and Ashley danced around the room as the perfect couple would. It was simple, like Spencer had asked, yet elaborately set up, like Ashley wanted. Spencer draped her arms over Ashley’s shoulder and the brunette replied by stepping closer and placing her hands on the waist of the girl she loved. The simple touch sent an electric wave from the blonde’s head straight to her toes, and everywhere in between. Ashley looked so hot tonight and Spencer wanted her in every form she could have her. Ashley’s hips gently swaying so close to hers was not helping.


    Spencer took a half step forward causing their hips to collide a just a bit, but enough to get her point across. She caressed Ashley’s cheek and slowly put her lips against the brunette’s. Ashley relished in the feeling of those soft lips ever so lightly kissing hers. She loved it. The brunette let her tongue slide against her girlfriend’s lips asking for entrance. Spencer was glad to give permission and met the tongue in the middle. Their light and gentle kisses soon became rough and wild yet still passionate as their tongues fought for dominance.


    Ashley slowly slid her hand down and back up Spencer’s side and under her shirt and began to gently rake her nails against the warm back of her girlfriend. Spencer pulled her lips away from Ashley’s and placed her forehead against hers. She kept her eyes shut the entire time and it looked as if she was dreaming, and she thought she was to be this lucky. “Bed?” Ashley asked and received a nod from Spencer.


    Ashley grabbed her hand and led her to the bed and sat her down before straddling her girlfriend completely. It was a fraction of a second until their lips once again met in a tempestuous flood of nothing more than want, need and love. It was a dangerous combination, but the one that made sex worth while.


    As if they each blacked out, Ashley pulled away to find their shirts and bras lying in a spread out pile along the floor and even though she didn’t remember removing them, she was glad she did. Spencer’s hands reached out to the button of Ashley’s jeans and undid them with ease as she looked up into Ashley’s watching eyes. The blonde knew what would drive her girlfriend crazy. And she knew that it was the fact that Ashley liked to watch what Spencer was doing with her, or to her. The blonde looked at Ashley’s full breasts and the already hardened nipples that waited to be touched, teased and groped. Spencer pulled Ashley off of her and pushed her on her back, and quickly pushed a leg against the brunette’s center. The sound of breathing was the only sound that filed the room until Ashley began to grind against the leg she was given causing herself to whimper in response.

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    1. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

    2. Whoa…Kinky. but I likey. Me Likey a lot, in fact. I’m just going to leave the room for a minute and stick my head in the freezer. Be back in a jiffy. *Dashes out of room* Alrighty that’s better, but not by much. I’m still . . . ~ahem~ . . . quite worked up. As much as I would love to reread this post I think I’ll go find my Girlfriend. And then I’ll reread it. :] ooooooo baby! I think I hear her coming now. Laterz. Love! *sprints to sound of gf*

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