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    Love doesn’t Last Long – (Chapter: never expected)



    Spencer and Ashley go to UCLA together. They have a great 4 years together and after college Ashley opens a record studio with a little from her father. The record company is call “DAVIS RECORDS” making sure that people know how much her father had to do with it all. Ashley hires Aiden as a PR to help her out with her clients. He’s been a great friend through everything. Spencer had decided to take up LAW throughout college and realized that she was very good at it. She is now working for one of the biggest Law Firms in L.A. Spencer and Ashley have been together for 7 years, there have been some ups and downs but they always seem to get past it someway.

    Mr. Carlin and Mrs. Carlin took some time away from each other and then decided to divorce. This hurt Spencer but made her happy to finally see her dad happy and a free man. Which he wasn’t for a long time it took him a few months before he had himself a beautiful, intelligent, classy woman. Spencer was open with his new girlfriend and she was very happy that Spencer had found someone she loved at a young age and supported her fully. But Paula had also gotten used to the fact that Spencer would be with Ashley and not Aiden which she had hoped for, but she was ok with it now after many years of hate, not towards Spencer but more Ashley.

    On a perfect August night Ashley had prepared a lovely dinner for the both of them out on the beach, candles, roses, music the ocean. It was beautiful. She had this one thing she had to do tonight, it was now or it was never. She knew she LOVED Spencer with all she had, she was busting her butt at work for her, for their future together.


    “Will you marry me?”



    With that said it took 8 in a half months of planning and at the end it was the most romantic surramoney in the history of weddings. Music filled the air at the reception party, which was held at a hotel right by the beach giving it the perfect view.

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