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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 7)

    “Carlin. Carlin, get up.” I opened my eyes from a deep sleep. I just then realized that the doctor was waking me up, “There’s someone here to see you.”

    I sat up, forgetting the stitches in my leg, a streak of pain shot through. Then who I assumed was a captain came closer to my bed, removing his hat, “Private First Class Spencer Carlin?”

    “Yes, that’s me.”

    “I’m Captain Charles Rhodes. I have good news for you. You’re going home, tomorrow actually. But that’s not the only bit of news I have. You have been honorably discharged from the United States Army. You are also receiving a purple heart for your bravery in a time of imprisonment.”

    I wasn’t smiling. It was great news but I still wasn’t smiling. My face remained cold from expression, “Thank you sir.”

    “Good work, Carlin. We need more soldiers like you.” And just like that he was gone.

    A purple heart. I was a decorated soldier. But more importantly, I was going home to my parents…to Ashley. That’s all that really mattered.

    “Alright Miss Carlin, you have to stay on those crutches until your stitches are ready to be removed. Remember, no walking on your leg…the knife took a good toll on the muscles. But your family doctor will handle all of that when you get back.” Safe to say that your family doctors were much nicer than military doctors.

    I had just had my final check up and I was finally back in real clothes again. I was all spiffed up in my uniform and ready to go. My plane left within the next hour and I still wanted to check up on Sergeant Williams, Private Russell, and Private Chin. I hadn’t heard any news on any of them so I wanted to make sure they were okay before I headed back to the states.

    I slowly made my way around the military hospital on my crutches. Now I knew what Glen felt like everyday when he had to go to school with his torn ACL. As I walked down the hallway I looked into each room as I passed. The first person I found was Private Christina Russell. She was sitting up in her bed, reading a book, “I figured that you’d be halfway home by now Carlin.”

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