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    Love Letters – (Chapter: 8)

    “What?! Stop! Stop!”

    Ashley woke up in the middle of her and Spencer’s nap only to hear Spencer calling out. Ashley sat up and looked over at the blonde, she had sweat on her forehead and that’s when the brunette realized that she was having a nightmare. She took her hand through Spencer’s hair, “Spence, wake up. Come on babe, it’s a dream.”

    Spencer didn’t stir. Ashley didn’t want to wake her up violently because she might get the receiving end of Spencer’s fist. She stared down at the blonde, reveling in her beauty. The brunette brushed her fingertips along Spencer’s cheek and finally she placed her lips on the blonde’s. She was careful to make the kiss gentle and caressing.

    I felt her through all the terror that my nightmare had coming at me. I could feel her hand running through my hair and her fingertips running along my cheek. But I still wasn’t awake. It wasn’t until I felt her soft lips taking control of my own that my eyes opened. It felt almost surreal but it was reality. Ashley was really kissing me. I brought my hand up behind her neck and pulled her in for more.

    Eventually she pulled away and I looked up at her, “Wake me up like that more often.”

    She smiled shyly, “You were having a nightmare so I figured it was either kiss you or possibly get the shit knocked out of me.”

    “Well, I’m glad that you picked the kiss.” And I began smiling even bigger.

    Ashley cocked an eyebrow, “What?”

    “That…that was our first kiss.”

    I stared into her brown eyes as she shook her head, “No it wasn’t. We’ve kissed before.”

    “Yeah but you were dunk every single time and you never remember. That was our first real kiss.”

    She looked away, “I guess…you’re right.”

    I sat up and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, “Hey, what’s wrong?”

    She just sat there looking forward not saying a word until finally, “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong.”

    Her eyes locked onto mine and I knew that there was only way to make this all better. I leaned into her, placing yet another kiss on her lips. The guys that she was always with would tell me how good of a kisser she was, but I never actually knew until now. She sucked on my top lip, lightly brushing her tongue against mine whenever our lips would just slightly part. We slowly lay back down on the bed, our lips never breaking contact. My lips were becoming bruised and red. I knew that hers were too but nothing inside me wanted me to stop. But just as we proceeded my father knocked on my door, “Girls, you up?”

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    1. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

    2. it must be really hard for Ash to know how close she was to lossing Spencer. I meen who wouldn’t be walking on egg shells if the one who loved had just come home from a war and was having dreams like that, you wouldn’t want to say the wrong thing!

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