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    love must not be lost – (Chapter: 5 years later)


    spencer sat alone in the house she always dreamt of having when she was a little girl, she could remember always wanting a faithful hardworking husband and her own little girl, maybe a boy too. well she got what she wanted. a wonderful husband a little girl whom she decided to name Ashley after the girl she could never stop loving no matter what came her way, she decided to name her Ashley so she would never forget about the rebel she so dearly loved, but the truth was no matter how much she tired she would never forget about her. whether she named her daughter Ashley or not. of course her husband agreed with the name because i he believed his little girl could grow up to be as beautiful as his long time and old friend Ashley Davies. he is even believed that since it was his little girl she could be more beautiful than the infamous Ashley Davies who she was named after, but even spencer knew no one would ever be more beautiful than the rebel, the fuck up,the girl with the parents who never loved her, the spoiled little rich girl that she once loved and once had, and once had the chance to have her back. so as spencer is putting dinner on the stove she thinks about how she should have taken that chance when she had the chance. instead she stayed Alex, with the girl that she used to cover up her feelings of ashleys death. but when she found out ashley wasn’t dead and it was all just a set up. her feeling for Alex become more than just a cover up. her thoughts were interupted by her stomach, she felt the baby kick for the first time, and then she smiled knowing that she had gotten her little boy too that she had thought about having. and she decided she would let her husband name this one, and she already knew what he wanted to name the little boy and she was more than fine with it. he would name him after himself of course. in 2 months spencer will be in a hospital room with her husband by her side about to deliver Aidan Jr.

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    1. UR AN ASS why the hell does ash now have liver cancer?!! fucker…im going to read the next post…but ill have u kno that im gonna curse u out when i call u tonight!!lmao

    2. UR AN ASS why the hell does ash now have liver cancer?!! fucker…im going to read the next post…but ill have u kno that im gonna curse u out when i call u tonight!!lmao

    3. hm its interesting but some ashley spencer action some time soon would be apperciated and i think its weird that spencer named her daughter ashley it gets kinda confussing lol but its cute

    4. hm its interesting but some ashley spencer action some time soon would be apperciated and i think its weird that spencer named her daughter ashley it gets kinda confussing lol but its cute

    5. No way u can quite this story!!!! i love it its good and i wanna see wat happens next with spencer and ashley{the big one} lol… POST MOREEE P.S. GREAT JOB =]

    6. No way u can quite this story!!!! i love it its good and i wanna see wat happens next with spencer and ashley{the big one} lol… POST MOREEE P.S. GREAT JOB =]

    7. The premise is good. But it does get a little confussing with the children having the same names as the adults. But keep at and see where it go’s.

    8. The premise is good. But it does get a little confussing with the children having the same names as the adults. But keep at and see where it go’s.

    9. Hey, you’ve started to comment on my story recently so I figured it’d give your story a shot. I like what you’re doing so far. This chapter was great. I can imagine what Spencer must’ve felt in the car as Ashley’s voice came from the radio. Good job :)

    10. Hey, you’ve started to comment on my story recently so I figured it’d give your story a shot. I like what you’re doing so far. This chapter was great. I can imagine what Spencer must’ve felt in the car as Ashley’s voice came from the radio. Good job :)

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