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    Love Trumps Fear, Every Time – (Chapter: 7)


    Ashley and Spencer arrived at Gray at about 9 both looking extremely hot arm in arm. Inseparable. In the mood to party.

    Gray’s was packed. The music was loud. The DJ was pumpin’ Robin Thicke’s “Wanna Love You Girl“. As they walked in, they both stopped in shock. Looking around on the dance floor. They couldn’t believe what they saw.

    She’s the kind of girl you wanna marry
    The kind of girl you’d walk the whole world for
    Put her on your back and just carry
    Her attitude is hotter than the earth’s core
    When she’s around nothing else matters
    Untouchable, she’s got her own force field
    Sooner or later someone will get at her
    If I don’t someone else will

    There were girls everywhere, dancing with each other, flirting at the bar, close with each other, some kissing in the corner. A few guys were scattered throughout, but the dance floor was jam packed with women.

    Ashley said in disbelief, “What the hell…?”

    Spencer looked at her, “When did Gray become a gay bar…?”

    “Hey, there’s Aiden”, waving at him while walking over.

    “What‘s up ladies? You guys look so hot!", Aiden blurted.

    “We know… but ..umm…Aiden… what‘s the deal? There‘s nothing but women in here”, Ashley questioned. Why didn’t I know about this before now?

    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you – girl
    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you
    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you – girl
    Wanna love you girl, wanna love you
    Ohh! ohh! ohh! ohh! ohh! ohh! ohh! ohh!


    “Yeah I know… Gray is having a lesbian night tonight.  It will be regulary on Sundays from now on. I heard about it and thought that you would just hate to miss it, especially the 1st night.”

    “Oh my god, who knew there were so many gay girls around us….our age… they must go to different schools.”, Spencer said. Embarrassed at her naiveté.

    “So Aiden, don’t you feel uncomfortable in here…”, Ashley joked.

    “What!  are you kidding?…it’s L.A…..all these beautiful girls….dancing together…I’m in heaven..”

    “I don’t know Aiden…it’s makes you look pretty gay to be in here tonight…Don‘t you think, Spence?” Spencer nodded teasing Aiden.

    “Whatever Ash…I’m not stayin’…I just wanted to see your faces at the surprise…”

    “So does that mean there‘s no band…?”, Spencer said feeling silly after asking.

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    1. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    2. I really like this fic, its so fun. And gay night at Grey, I wish, hahah. But, Spencer is trippin right now, she is worrying me. Asking Ash what she wants to do, which is basically asking her if she wants to have a threesome with this Jessica. Un uh, Ash isn’t having that, I don’t think so. She’s too possessive for that. And Spencer even entertaining the idea is worrisome. All the gay girls in one place is fucking with her mind, lol. Update again soon.

    3. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

    4. that was the hottest pg-13 post i’ve ever read…and it wasn’t because it was the wrong rating, just written really well. damn. where can i find a friend like that redhead? ash definitely needs to protect her girl!

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