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    Love's Game…Wanna Play? – (Chapter: Aftermath (7))

    “What were you thinking, Ashley?!” Arthur exclaimed rather surprised at his own tone. “Listen, I can help to an extent, but if Miss Duarte chooses to press charges, you are the guilty party.” He explained, lowering his tone a bit.
    “Well, doesn’t it count for something that madison provoked Ash the whole day?” Spencer spoke up, “I mean we came to you for a reason, Dad. Provacation is an actual thing right, like a defense or something?”
    “I think so, sweetheart, but I’m a psychologist, not a lawyer. This isn’t in any of our hands any longer. Miss Duarte is going to have to choose whether she reports what happened to the police or if it will simply be dealt with within the school.” Arthur said, defeated by his helpless feeling. He wanted to do everything he could to make sure Ashley stayed out of trouble but there was really nothing he could do. He knew Ashley made his daughter happy and knew that if Ashley was unhappy, Spencer would be as well.
    “Nonetheless, I’ll see what I can find out and do as soon as I can. As soon as I know, you’ll know. We’ll figure it out, Ashley, we Carlins always find a way, right, Spencer?!” Arthur tried to lighten the atmosphere.
    “Of course, Dad. Esecially the Papa Carlin, is very good with finding ways!”



    Ashley had been suspended for 4 days.following the fighting incident. Spencer was going absolutely insane without the brunette and it was only the first day! She didn’t know how she would survive 4 whole days, especially with Queen cheer- bitch, Madison, was on the warpath.
    “Too bad queer-eye isn’t here to assault me! Too bad for you, that is! You’re pathetic, you and your failure of a brother. Your whole family is pretty much wasted, actually!”
    “Yano what, Madison, I-” Spencer started to defend herself and her family when a voice from beside them cut her off.
    “Madison, that’s your name? I’ve had to hear you run your mouth all day. About what? How you got your ass beat, and are acting like an infant about it? Yeah, real mature and completely not pathetic. I don’t even know Spencer’s family and I can tell you that you are by far more pathetic than all of them combined. Oh and you are definitely not as hot as you think you are. Spencer is way hotter and is ten times smarter than you! So before I let Spencer, here, take a turn beating the shit outta you, I suggest you step off, Bitch!” A small brown-haired girl said, never once losing eye-contact with the head cheerleader.
    Madison just rolled her eyes and muttered, “Whatever, psycho-bitch…”
    While walking away.
    Spencer took in the shorter girl standing in front of her. Spencer was shocked; no one had stood up for her like that since Ashley had. The girl had dark brown hair, brown eyes, bangs that were cut just above her eyebrows, and an air about her that just screamed rebel. “Do I get to know who my knight in faded denim is, or do I have to guess, because I must tell you that I’m definitely not a good guesser and we’d be here all day!”
    “Oh, well I was gunna introduce myself but with the promise of being with you all day, I may just let you sweat it out.” The brunette openly flirted with Spencer. “I’m carmen.” She smiled, extending her hand.
    Spencer took it, smiling right back. Maybe 4 days without Ashley won’t be so bad, after all….


    TBC…. Yall may hate me for this after 3 years I come back with carmen under my control… Oh well.. It will make this that much more interesting and I’m actually not one to be all “DEATH TO CARMEN!!!” So ya…. Hope u enjoy! *peace*


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