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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 1: Free Odds)

    I knew it was going to be a shitty day as soon as I heard the knocking. He always knocked the same. Three short, hard bursts before leaning against the window by door. I watched, unimpressed as his bulky shadow adjusted until he was facing me, knowing I’d be in bed at this hour. Through the filmy glass, I watched his hand raise, a brief flicker of light appearing and then the smoke. Christ the smoke. It smelled shitty and cheap, as usual. I counted to ten and like clockwork one more terse rap sounded. Now he was pissed. Shit. Reluctantly, I pushed the warm, sleep-heavy body from mine, extracting myself from our cozy little human knot. I suddenly realize it’s raining out and I can’t quite stop the string of whispered curses coming from my mouth. Fucking 2:00AM and I’m shivering in the middle of apartment, naked and it’s raining out. After stepping into my boxers, I lift a leg roughly nudging her calf with my bare foot. “Hey, you gotta leave.” I don’t respond to her slurred mumble, instead I opt for turning on the light. The big one, right over the bed. Her eyes glare into my back, but I don’t turn around. “Why?”

    “Cause I’m leaving.”

    “Now? You’re fucking leaving now?”

    I tug my wife beater on to show her I mean business and shuffle towards the door. I only crack it a little, it’s too damn cold for more. “Dennison, what the fuck?” His eyes flicker down once, staring a the bulge at my crotch before meeting mine. He’s smirking now. “Thought you’d like to know, we’re due in fifteen.” Fuck. I step back and he steps in, filling what can only be called my kitchen/foyer/office/living room. An indignant squawk reminds us that we’re not alone and I almost kick him when he raises his hand, waving. “Hey toots.” She gives him the finger and starts to put it down, but decides to shoot it my way too. Sighing, I look around trying to find my pants. “Under the table.” He’s right, there they are. I pull those on too. For a moment I forget, until my zipper stops. Exiting stage right, I enter the bathroom, pulling underwear down just enough to remove the harness. Her shrill voice cuts through the quiet, right before the door slams. “You’re a lousy fuck anyways Carlin!”

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