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    Masterpiece Conspiracy – (Chapter: 1)

    “Spencer Carlin. Grew up in small town Ohio and moved here with her family when she was 16. So far I have zero suspects.”

    “Her mom is a doctor at the hospital. Odds are, she’s at work right now.”

    I stood up from my chair, “Let’s go.”

    I smoked the rest of yet another cigarette and threw it out the window of my car. Sam scoffed at the smoke I blew out my nostrils, “Uh, when are you ever going to quit smoking those disgusting things?”

    “Not anytime soon. So do you think that the mother knows anything?”

    “I don’t know. She is her mother.”

    I looked over at Sam from behind my black sunglasses, “True. But look at my mom and I. We’re not exactly kosher.”

    His tone suddenly changed to that of a complete and utter gay man, “That’s because your mom’s a raging bitch.”

    I laughed, “You’re so gay.”

    “Thank you.”

    We both laughed at the conversation and then continued on with simple discussions until we reached the hospital.

    I parked the car and then Sam and I made our way into the emergency room. I noticed two people seated at the registration area filling out paper work. We walked up to the main counter and a petite nurse sat, staring at a computer screen and popping bubble gum, “Can I help you?” Her tone was that of an annoyed school teacher.

    “Yes, I’m Detective Davies and this is Detective Cameron, I was just wondering if we could speak to a Doctor Paula Carlin.”

    “She’s in the back.”

    I still had on my sunglasses and I figured that looking this girl straight in the eye would scare her out of her bitchy-ness, “Look, her daughter was found dead this morning. So if you wouldn’t mind we would like to ask her a few questions.” I gave a bitchy smile, “Okay?”

    She got up from her chair and let us in through the double doors. As we walked farther into the emergency room I couldn’t help but gag at how sterile it all smelled. I hated hospitals. The emergency room almost seemed empty for an early afternoon in Los Angeles. I guess it really didn’t get busy until nightfall.

    We stopped at a curtained off area, “Paula, there are two detectives here who want to talk to you.”

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