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    MileHigh Club

    It seemed like I had only been asleep for a short time when something caused me to wake. Our little section of the plane was dark; Ashley had turned out her reading light. I looked at my watch and saw that it was just past midnight; I had been asleep for about an hour. As I slowly came awake, I looked around trying to figure what had roused me. In the dim light, I could see that Ashley was laying back in the V where her chair met the cabin wall. Her eyes were closed, but as I looked at her, I noticed that her breathing was a little labored and more rapid than it should have been. As my eyes adjusted, I noticed that her right leg was bent at the knee and pulled up onto her seat. I could see that her right hand was moving rhythmically under the blanket. Looking around, I noticed a lump of
    what looked like crumpled white cloth tucked against the bag under the seat in front of her. Looking back at Ashley I suddenly realized that my traveling companion was masturbating! At 40,000 feet in a plane at least half full of strangers, she was diddling herself!

    I could feel my nipples hardening under my bra and a wetness creep between my legs. Watching Ashley’s face intently, I waited for the first indication that she was about to reach her goal. I noticed her left hand moving up beneath her knit top, rubbing the nipple
    of first one, then the other breast. Her breathing was still labored, but
    she didn’t seem to be getting any closer to orgasm. I longed to lift the
    blanket, so I could watch her at play, but I was afraid to move even a
    muscle, and risk startling her.

    After a couple more minutes (which seemed like hours), Ashley’s hands slowed and then went still; apparently she had decided that it was the wrong time or place and that she wouldn’t be able to make herself completely satisfied. I’m still not sure where I got the nerve to do this to a perfect stranger, but I reached out my hand and put it on her right leg, which was pulled up on to the seat. Her eyes flew open at my touch, but she didn’t seem alarmed, just a little startled. Stroking her leg through the blanket, I looked her in the eyes and said


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