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    MileHigh Club

    Ashley was now on her knees, her tongue leaving a wet trail down my stomach as it moved toward its destination. I spread my legs as far as I could, as I felt her cheeks come in contact with my thighs. I felt the wetness of her tongue flicking my rigid nub, as I pushed my pelvis forward to meet her. It felt like Ashley had her whole hand inside of me, as she fucked me, faster and faster. Looking down, I could see her other hand busy underneath her own skirt.

    My hands, almost of their own accord, were massaging my breasts and pulling at my nipples which felt like they were on fire. Ashley’s head was bobbing between my thighs as her tongue ran up and down over my nub. I throbbed between my legs as her hand continued
    thrusting into me and I felt myself building toward a tremendous climax. Pulling my nipples straight out and pushing my pelvis into Ashley’s face, I felt myself go over the top, as wave after wave pleasure washed over my body.

    Ashley continued to lick until I saw her suddenly throw her head back and groan as her hand brought her to her own orgasm. For a moment the two of us just sat, letting the spasms subside, as
    our breath and heart rates returned to normal. Then, reaching down, I put my hands on Ashley’s face and gently pulled her up, so she would get to her feet. When she was standing, I looked at her, kissed her cheek and then laughed "Your face is a mess, it’s all shiny!" I said.

    Still laughing, I put my arms around her and pulled her to me. She
    brought her face close and we kissed, a long, satisfying, "I am so glad to be here, with you" kind of kiss and just held each other. Then we started thinking about getting cleaned up!

    A few paper towels and a couple minutes of brushing, buttoning and
    snapping later and we were both relatively presentable. Thank God nobody wears makeup any more!

    Ashley left first and I followed a couple minutes later. A few people
    seemed to be watching us, but no one took very much notice. As I approached my seat, however, I saw Paulette walking towards me. She stepped into a row of empty seats to let me by. As I passed, she put out her hand and pressed a card into mine, saying "I like people who know their mind. I hope I get to see both of you again."

    As I sat down, I looked at the card she had given me. It had her name and phone number and on the back she’d written "Boys are good, but girls are even better. Call me, please. Paulette"

    I showed Ashley the card and she teased me about replacing her so soon. She smiled at me with that same infectious smile that she had given me upon taking her seat earlier in the evening. A thought seemed to come to her, and she stated, “I don’t even know your last name.”

    “Carlin. Spencer Carlin.”

    She offered me her hand and cheekily replied, “Ashley Davies. It’s extremely nice to meet you Spencer Carlin.”

    I laughed and took her hand giving it a light kiss. Then, completely sated from the evening’s escapades, we leaned against each other, pulled our blankets around us, and as we sped toward New York, finally fell sound asleep.


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