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    Mirror (Re-post)

    The last rays of sun were shining through the blinds of Ashley's room.  Dusk was 
    rolling in and the room was filled with an orange glow.  Spencer lay on the 
    large bed arms and legs spread across freely.  She raised her hand and played 
    with the last rays of sun as they formed straight bands across it.  She was 
    waiting patiently for Ashley to return to the room  Time was always of the 
    essence when it came to being alone for them.  Spencer spoke as she heard the 
    girl approaching.  She now sat up and looked at herself in the large mirror on 
    the floor next to the bed.
    Spencer:  "When are they going to put this thing up in your bathroom?"
    Ashley walked in the room and admired her girls as she lay on her bed.  She 
    stopped by the couch as she spoke
    Ashley:  "I don't know.  Some time this week I guess."
    Ashley just watched as the shadows stretched across Spencer’s body in some places 
    but neglected others.  It shrouded her in a air of mystery.  She felt it was 
    very fitting to her personality.  By day the typical good girl everyone expected 
    her to be, but by night she was a vixen who would devour.  That side was only 
    brought on by one person and that one person was the only one who could ever 
    claim to have enjoyed it.  Ashley felt lucky to be that one person.  As she 
    looked at her an idea came to her. 
    Ashely:  "I have something fun we could do."
    Spencer:  "What?"
    An evil grin spread across Ashley's face as she sat on the edge of the bed and 
    pulled a video camera out of her night stand.  She looked questioningly at 
    Spencer:  "As sexy as that would be, no!"
    Ashley:  "Why not?"
    Spencer:  "I don't know if you've noticed but you and video cameras don't get 
    along too well.  And you’re horrible at either hiding or destroying the tape 
    afterwards.  I'm sorry but no."
    Ashley couldn't deny she had a very good point.  She was disappointed none the 
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