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    Ashley:  “You’re learning.”
    Spencer thought she would be rewarded by instant gratification, but in true Ashley form, she wasn’t.  She may not have verbalized her impatiens but Ashley still knew it was there and she wasn’t ready to give in yet.  She was enjoying the view.  Spencer in front of her, fully nude in all her glory.  Brown eyes bore into blue orbs through a glass reflection.  Who knew a mirror could be used as a sex toy?  Ashley continued to caress, nip, rub, and lick from behind.  Spencer was ready and she couldn’t wait anymore as her center throbbed with want and need.  She was experiencing so much anticipation that it almost scared her when Ashley entered her from behind.  Spencer had to suppress a scream as she was finally given the contact that she desired.  Ashley pushed deeper and deeper into Spencer’s hot core from the back as Spencer became dazed and confused.  Neither one noticed when it happened but before long Spencer was on all fours as Ashley made love to her doggy style.  Ashley never expected in a million years that her pristine girlfriend would ever allow her to do this.  Spencer never expected she would allow anyone to do this to her, but as she rode Ashley’s fingers she was positive few other things in life could feel more right.  Ashley pumped in and out, deeper and deeper as Spencer’s fingers grasped at the sheets below.  As Spencer climbed higher and higher her head dipped causing the pair to momentarily lose eye contact.  As Spencer got closer and closer Ashley called out to her.  
    Ashley:  “Baby…baby.  Watch me.”
    Spencer heard her and raised her chin as they both once again locked eye.  In that moment Spencer didn’t only see lust or want, but love and need.  That was enough to send her reeling.  She let out a cry from the back of her throat and collapsed on the bed.  Ashley crawled up beside her and gently stroked her hair as Spencer’s breathing came back to normal.
    Spencer:  “Maybe you should order another one of those.”
    Ashley:  “Great minds.”
    The two laughed as Spencer climbed on top of Ashley.
    Spencer:  “Your turn.”
    The End
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