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    Misery Business – (Chapter: It’s a Matter of Time Before We All Run Out)



    Before pulling out I take a look at the white paper, and proceed to follow the listed directions.



    It takes me twenty-two minutes before I reach my desired destination.



    With no hesitation I step out of the car and head towards the buildings door. It’s opens automatically, I step inside and head to the main desk.



    I turn ‘friendly Spencer’ on.






    I say this with a large smile covering my face. The woman behind the counter smiles and sits up a bit.



    "Hello, is there something I can help you with?"



    I nod my head quickly keeping the fake smile plastered across my face.



    "Yes, I’m looking for Aiden; I totally lost the slip of paper with all of his information."



    "May I ask who you are?"



    I take in an loud breath and shake my head, continuing my act.



    "Oh my god, I’m so sorry. How rude of me to not introduce myself. I’m Veronica Cook, from Sports Illustrated. I was supposed to interview Aiden."



    I pause mid-sentence and look down at my watch.



    "About ten minutes ago, I took a left instead of a right on that road that leads to the highway."



    She nods her head at my words.



    "Such a simple mistake."



    She turns to her computer for a moment before speaking.



    "He’s on the second floor in room 202."



    I smile one last time before making my way to the elevator. It’s empty with the exception of one middle-aged man. We share a polite smile.



    "What floor?"



    "Two please."



    He nods and presses the bolded two before leaning back against the silver wall.



    It takes a few seconds before I hear a small noise indicating a stop. I give the stranger another polite smile before stepping out of the elevator and making my way down the hall.



    The task of finding the room is simple, the door is crack, and music filters into the deserted hallway.

    I smile as I see what I had hoped to find. Numerous females are spread throughout the room, only a third of the rooms occupants are men.

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