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    Misery Business – (Chapter: It’s a Matter of Time Before We All Run Out)



    I easily spot my prey. A simple task because of the large female crowd surrounding him. I remove my jacket placing it on a nearby table.



    My already too small shirt rises up a bit more as I lift my hands up to adjust my hair. I step through the crowd of females; the tall black haired main immediately takes notice to me. He smiles a sly smile before turning towards me and speaking.



    "I’m Aiden, what’s your name?"



    His words come out fast, too fast. He’s nervous.



    He should be






    He takes another step to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Wordlessly he leads me to another side of the room opening a door and leading me inside. A few people are filling the room.



    "Out." He barks.



    They scramble out quickly. When they disappear his hand finds mine. I stare up at him in anticipation.



    He leans down obviously expecting me to allow his tongue to enter my mouth.






    Before he can I lean back and pull the white baggie out of my pocket.



    "Party favors."



    He smiles at the baggie before taking it from my hand and spinning around to the small coffee table.



    I watch as the contents spill out of the back. It takes him a few moments to separate the lines, when he’s done he leans down and snorts the contents through a straw.



    How good is it Glen?



    I watch with amusement as he takes a step back, leaning back against the bed frame. He attempts to speak, but no sound escapes him.



    Moments later he falls back against the bed, eyes shutting. I don’t hesitate as I step forward and feel his pulse.



    It’s there, just barely. I keep my fingers in place as the speed of his pulse decreases and finally ceases.



    Good shit Glen.



    When I’m satisfied that the job is done I roll him over, onto his stomach.



    Walking back over to the dresser I grab the white baggie and slip it into my pocket.



    Don’t need anyone to find a set of my prints.



    I follow my steps from earlier and exit the room. I slip my jacket over my shoulder before entering the elevator again. When I reach the main lobby I keep my head down, hoping the woman behind the counter doesn’t notice my quick departure.


    When I exit the building I smile into the darkness, enjoying it.



    Before I reach my car my phone vibrates in my pocket. I open the car door before pulling my phone out of my pocket.





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